
World War 2

By ianblev
  • Yosef Is Born

    Yosef is born at the Szpital Uniwersytecki hospital in Poland.
  • New Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler is now the new chancellor of Germany.
  • Edek Is Born

    Edek is born in the same hospital that Yosef was born in.
  • The Nuremburg Laws

    The nuremburg laws are created.
  • Kristallnacht

    Yosef and his family flee from their house flee from their house shortly before it is broken into by nazi. Luckiy, the Fruchters have non - Jewish friends that are willing to hide them in their attic.
  • No More Jewish Shops

    The Nazis shut down all jewish shops and buisnesses. Yosef's dad's shop gets shut down.
  • The Invasion

    The Invasion
    The Germans invade Poland.
  • They Get Captured

    The nazis capture Yosef and his family and take them to the Lodz ghetto.
  • Bad Afflictions

    Yosef's mom gets Typhus.
  • Aushwitz Opens

  • Pearl Harbor

    The Japanise army bombs Pearl Harbor.
  • Gas Chambers

    Yosef's mom and little brother were sent to Birkenau to later died in the gas chambers. Yosef's father does labor in Auschwitz. Yosef gets asked by the nazis to play soccer at the camp to entertain them.
  • Concentration Camp

    Yosef and his family get deported to aushwitz.
  • Wansee Confrence

  • D - Day

    The allied troops liberated Western Europe.
  • Sonderkommando Revolt

    The Sonderkommando didn't necessarily want to escape, but they did want to slow down the process of people being killed.
  • Liberation

    Auschwitz is liberated by the soviet union.