Germany invades Poland
Britian and France declare war on Germany
The Polish capital of Warsaw surrenders to Germany
Germany and the Solviet Union divides Poland between them
The Solviet Union invades Finland
Germany invades Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France
Operation Dynamo evactuates over 330,000 Allied troops from Dunkirk, France
Italy declairs war on Britian and France
German troops enter Paris, France
France surrenders, and Germany governs northern France
The Battle of Britian begins
German bombers begin Blitz against British cities
Italy invades Egypt
Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact
The Battle of Britian ends
British and Australian troops capture Tobruk, Libya
Bulgiria joins the Axis
Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece
The British sink the Bismark
Operation Barbarossa: Germany invades the Solviet Union
The Siege of Leningrad begins: German and Finnish troops surround the Solviet city
Japan attacks the US fleet at Pearl Harbor and starts to invade Malaya
Britian and the US declare war on Japan
Germany declares war on the US
Hong Kong surrenders to the Japanese
The Japanese captured Singapore
First prisinors at Aushwits, Poland, are gassed
The US halts Japanese advance at the Battle of the Coral Sea
The US defeats the Japanese at the Battle of Midway
The battle for the Solviet city of Stalingrad begins
Britian defeats Germany at El Alamein, North Africa
US and Britian troops land in northwest Africa
The German army is defeated at Stalingrad
The US captures the Solomon Island of Guadalcanal from the Japanese
Nazi troops attack the Warsaw ghetto in Poland
The German Army in North Africa surrenders
Allied troops invade Sicily, Italy
Italian dictator Benito Mussolini is overthrown
Allied troops invade mainlan Italy. As a result, Italy surrenders.
Italy declares war on Germany
In the Solviet Union, the Siege on Leningrad ends after two years and three months
Japan attempts an invasion on India
D-Day: Allied force lands in Normandy, France, and presses inland US troops in the Philippines
The Allies liberate the French city of Paris
US troops land in the Philippines
British and US troops cross the Rhine River, Germany
Adolf Hitler, Channcellor of Germany, commited suicide
Germany unconditionally surrenders
V-E (Victory in Europe) Day
The US drops "little Boy" atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan
The US troops drop "Fat Man" atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan
V-J (Victory in Japan) Day following Japan's surrender
Permanent United Nations (UN) is founded