Green sea turtle

World War 2

By thuber2
  • School

    Ned is sent to military school and thats where he gets his name.
  • Home

    ned leaves home to go to school
  • Classes

    Ned is very smart in geography and math.
  • Highschool

    Ned did good in regular school so he was sent to highschool and graduated.
  • Clothing

    All te navajos are stripped of there clothing, there jewlery is taken and tey are forced to wear itchy clothes.
  • Punishment

    If they talked navajo while in the white school they would get there mouth washed out with soap and if they did it again they would get beaten with a stick.
  • ceremony

    There was a ceremony for ned so that he would be safe while in the marines.
  • Camp

    He is sent to bootcamp and all navajos do good because they are used to what they have to do.
  • Codetalker

    Ned joins the codetalkers and learns the code, the navajos held the key to the code
  • marines

    Ned joined the marines after asking is parents the second time.
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
  • Code Talkers

    Code Talkers
    They first started using the navajo in 1942 to codetalk because te japanese had figured out all there other codes.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    World war 2 ends
  • Hitler dies

    Hitler dies
    Hitler commits suicide to end his power.
  • Hiroshima

    United States drops atom bomb on Hiroshima.