Pearl harbor

World War 2

  • Period: to

    World War II Part II

  • HIltler runs for Vice-Pres of Germany and loses.

  • The President of Germany appoints Hitler as Chancellor.

    Hitler is appointed to create jobs for Germany and he does.
  • President of Germany dies.

  • The Reichstang (German Congress) passes the Enabling Act.

    This gives Hitler power.
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor.

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor.
    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor. Hawaii.
    German ships were shooting at U.S. naval ships around this same time.
  • United States declare war on Japan, entering World War 2.

  • The British bomb Koln (Cologne), bringing the war to Germany for the first time. The first in many attacks by allied forces to reduce urban Germany to rubble.

  • British and US navies halt Japenese naval advance in the central Pacific at Midway.

  • US halt the Japanese island-hopping advance towards Australia.

  • US and British troops land in Sicily. The Allies control Sicily.

  • Allied troops liberate Rome.

  • Period: to

    Allied troops liberate Rome. With-in 6 weeks the allies bomb targets in east Germany for the first time.

  • US and British troop storm the beach in Normandy, France.

  • The German's launch the famus "Battle of the Bulge" in an attempt to split the Allied forces.

  • The Germans are in retreat.

  • The German leader, Adolf Hitler, commits suicide.

  • Germany surrenders to Allied forces.

  • U.S. drops an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima.

  • U.S. drops the second atomic bomb in Japan on the city of Nagasaki.

    As a result of Japan surrendering in WW II, the United Nations took away the Japenese military.
  • Japan formally surrenders.

    As a result, the United Nations took away the Japenese military.