World War 2

  • Facists Italy invades and conquers Ethiopia

  • Nazi Germans and Facists Italy sign a treaty of cooperation

  • Germany incorporates Austria in the Anschlus

  • Facists Italy invades and anexxes Albania

    Facists Italy invades and anexxes Albania
  • World War 2 begins

    World War 2 begins
    Germany invades Poland, Denmark, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norways, Belgium, and France soon fall into German control, until only the United Kingdom is left to face Germany.
  • Soviet Union Invases Poland from the east

    Soviet Union Invases Poland from the east
  • Between 1939 and 1944 the allies dropped 3.4 million tons of bombs, an average of about 27,000 tons each month

    Between 1939 and 1944 the allies dropped 3.4 million tons of bombs, an average of about 27,000 tons each month
  • First American serviceman was killed

    First American serviceman was killed
  • Germany Italy and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact

  • BUlgaria joins the axis

  • British and Commonwealth troops take over the port city of Tobruk, Libya

  • Italy Joins the woar on the side of germany by declaring war war against brittain

  • Japan Bombs pearl harbor

  • The firtst victims that lived in the ghetto were jews

  • Chelmo became and operational killing factory

  • the King of Italy is restored to full power and Mussolini is deposed and arrested

  • An invasion of Italy forces that country to surrender and join the Allies in 1943

  • The allies launch the Normandy invasion on the beaches of Northern France, commonly referred to as D-day.

    The allies launch the Normandy invasion on the beaches of Northern France, commonly referred to as D-day.
  • From June 6th 1944 to May 1945 in Europe the Allies had 200,000 dead and 550,000 wounded

    From June 6th 1944 to May 1945 in Europe the Allies had 200,000 dead and 550,000 wounded
  • Us troops land in the Phillipines

  • Us troops land in the Phillipines

    Us troops land in the Phillipines
  • Soviets launch their final offensive, circling Berlin

    Soviets launch their final offensive, circling Berlin
  • germany surrenders to the soviets

  • United states drop an atomic bomb on hiroshima

  • World war 2 ended

    World war 2 ended
  • Japan signs the formal surrender aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay

  • 80% of soviet males born in 1923 did not survive

    80% of soviet males born in 1923 did not survive