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World War 1 Timeline

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand was Assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was Assassinated
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. Princip wanted independence for Serbia, not control from a foreign power like Austria. Austria declared war on Serbia. The Alliance system forced other nations to take sides, this spiraled out control and lead to World War I.
  • World War I Begins

    World War I Begins
    World War I was the world's first global war. During the war, the Central Powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire fought against the Allied Powers of Great Britain, the United States, France, Russia. During WWI chemical warfare was used for the first time. WWI was caused by 4 major things: Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism, and Alliance Systems.
  • Germany Declared War on France

    Germany Declared War on France
    German troops crossed the border to invade Belgium. Geman had started the Schlieffen Plan. The Schlieffen plan was to invade Britain through Belgium and Luxemburg. It also concluded that a surprise attack on France would be enough to get Britain involved in the war.
    (Click Here)
  • Allied Powers Counter-Attack

    Allied Powers Counter-Attack
    The France and Britain armies confronted the German army. In the northeastern part of France, just 30 miles from Paris. The Allied army successfully counter-attacked Germany and drove them back north to the Asian River. Both sides dug trenches into the Western Front. This defeat put an end to Germany's plan for a quick victory in France.
  • The Christmas Truce

    The Christmas Truce
    On Christmas Eve, many German and British troops were singing Christmas carols to each other across the lines. On Christmas Day, German soldiers came out from the trenches and walked across no man’s land, singing Merry Christmas. The men had exchanged presents and were singing carols. They also played a game of soccer. (Click Here)
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    Germany opened fire on the French forces along the Meuse River, this begins the Battle of Verdun. The Battle of Verdun resulted in many losses on both sides. Within four days of the attack on the Meuse, the French had suffered over 60% casualties and the German losses were almost as heavy. This battle lasted 10 months and was the longest battle of World War I.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    This battle involved 250 ships and 100,000 men. It was the only naval battle of World War I. It began with gunfire between the German and British forces. When the warships met, British took advantage of the fading daylight and shoot direct hits at Germany forcing them to retreat. Both sides claimed victory, although Britain got control of the North Sea.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    This battle was one of the largest battles of the World War I. This battle was fought near Somme River in France. It was one of the bloodiest battles in history. By the end of the battle, the Allies and Central Powers had lost more than 1.5 million soldiers. (Click here)
  • USA Declared War on Germany

    USA Declared War on Germany
    When World War I started the United States of America was neutral in the war. But in 1915, a German submarine attacked a British ship killing 128 American. This turned many Americans against Germany. Then in late March, Germany sunk 4 more U.S. ships and on April 2, President Wilson called for war against Germany. 4 days later his request was granted by Congress.
  • The German's Raid

    The German's Raid
    On this day a hundred and fifty Germans made a raid on private Theodore Kohls company. They immediately started Killing Germans. The Germans had thrown 4-hour barrages on them and they about leveled the woods. They fought for 30 minutes when the Germans retreated leaving their dead men behind.
  • The First U.S. Troops Arrive in France.

    The First U.S. Troops Arrive in France.
    14,000 American troops, including private Theodore Kohls, arrived in Saint Nazaire, France. The landing site had been kept secret because of the German submarines. When the Americans had docked in France a big crowd had gathered to welcome them. However, many American troops were untrained, and far from ready for fighting along the Fronts.
  • U.S. Troops Were Sent to the Trenches.

    U.S. Troops Were Sent to the Trenches.
    American soldiers were sent to the trenches for the first time. Private Theodore Kohls, was one of many American soldiers to be sent to the trenches. They stayed in the trenches for 5 days, during those 5 days they didn’t see any Germans. The trenches were horrible to live in, they were covered in mud and water.
  • Toul Front

    Toul Front
    Private Theodore Kohls and his division held the trenches at Toul for 3 months. The Germans would throw barrage on them every now and then. Many soldiers were badly wounded or even killed. They didn’t have much food or water while they were in Toul.
  • France Independence Day

    France Independence Day
    On July 13th, Theodore Kohls's major came and picked him up so he could parade in Paris for Independence Day. The soldiers got dressed up the best that they could for the parade. They marched around Paris on the most important streets and stopped at a square not far from the subway. While they were in Paris the Germans started to bombard the place and cause quite a bit of damage.
  • The End of World War I

    The End of World War I
    On the 11th month on the 11th day of the 11th hour, the war ended. The war ended when Germany lacked in manpower and supplies. Germany officially ended the war by signing the Treaty of Versailles. World War I left 9 million dead and 21 million injured. (Click Here)