World War 1 Veteran Project

  • Hillie:First time being shot at on our way to France

    Hillie:First time being shot at on our way to France
    While on an American Ship on our way to France we hear big guns starting to fire at us, you could hear the loud roars. We were told to get in the hole but instead we all went ot go see who was shooting at us they were submarines. Later on after all calmed down our major was being scolded at because us soldiers didn't go to the bunks as we told. Our major told them that we are soldiers and we are ready to fight whenever we were doing the right thing, We were eventually let off the hook.
  • Hillie:Sleeping Conditions

    Hillie:Sleeping Conditions
    Many places where the soldiers had slept were not so great. Mud was ankledeep so they couldn't sleep in those areas, and when trying to find dry spots they were not very successful. All spots were mainly wet because of the ongoing rain, and often they were in range of very large guns. Sometimes all they heard at night was the shots from those guns and often shells would be all around them. They were wet, cold, and hungry and making the best of it for them was sleeping in beds of grass and leaves
  • Hillie: Departure back to the U.S.

    Hillie: Departure back to the U.S.
    At 8am on June 10 they were headed off to the U.S.When boarding the ship we saw a lot of Red cross nurses aboard who were there to give us checkups and help if needed. The food was as bad as it was back in France we would have to throw the food away and lived off of pure junk that we could buy. The seas were pretty bad there was a lot of storming so many of us had gotten sick, not me though. On June 13th we were about halfway home to the United Sates.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were traveling through Sarajevo to the Town Hall. During the trip there,a man named Nedeljko threw a bomb into Franz's car, or at least he tried. The bomb bounced off the car and fell in another direction. That was the first attempt of assassination. They made it to the town hall safety .On the return trip they had made a wrong turn and when backing up another man fired at the car hitting the Archduke and his wife, Before reaching medical help they both died.
  • M.A.N.I.A

    M is for Militarism, Militarism is the building of an army in preparation for war. Nations were building there armies, but the Most increased army was from Germany by 73%.. A is for Alliances, Alliances were Nations in agreement to protect and provide for each other when needed. Alliances during the time were the Central Powers and the Allied. I is for Imperialism, which is when one country takes over another economically and politically. A is for Assassination, Francis Ferdinand-assassinated.
  • Hillie:Casualties During My Time

    Hillie:Casualties During My Time
    During our time digging Trenches and Dugouts we had many many casualties. October 3rd was an extra heavy bombing day, there was several gassing casualties. We had also had a freak accident in one of our dugouts, A big B shell had failed to burst when launched in our dugout the shell had went between 2 soldiers which had cut off one of the soldiers leg and the other was left unhurt. Many other of our soldiers had been gassed and shot.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    On December 14, 1914 Pope Benedict XV suggested Pause on the war for Christmas,The Soldiers had denied, but On Christmas Day they declared their own unofficial truce. The Germans and the British sang carols back and forth from their trenches. The soldiers gathered together in No Mans Land, shook hands and wished each other a Merry Christmas. The soldiers exchanged gifts of Plums and Cigarettes, played a game of Soccer together and some even went and gathered the bodies of the fallen.
  • Poison Gas

    Poison Gas
    The first Poison Gas was used on April 22, 1915 at start of battle Ypres. The gas was a yellow-green cloud, It was invented by the Germans. The first gas was made of chlorine and within the first seconds of inhale mentioned it destroyed the victims respiratory organs, bringing on choking attacks. Mustard gas was contained in artillery shells, it was almost an odorless chemical which caused blisters internally and externally. Protection from the gas was wads of cotton held over the face.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    On May 7, 1915 The Lusitania was almost at the end of its trip on the Coast of Ireland but the were spotted by The U-Boat of Germany. The U-Boat had instantly moved in and fired a torpedo at the Lusitania. When people were aware of the Torpedo it was already too late the Torpedo had struck the side of the ship. The Lusitania had began sinking right away people were instructed to abandon ship but it was hard because of how it was tilted. 761 people of the 1959 people on board survived.1198 killed
  • Tanks

    Tanks had gotten there start in World War One. The tanks were used for soldiers to leave there trenches and cross No Mans Land without being hurt. These tanks were armed with Machine Gun's and Canons. As the war had went on the tanks had to be remodeled, due to stiff steering wheels and much more. These tanks did end up being quite efficient towards the end of the War.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    In 1917 The British came to America with some news about a Telegram Germany sent Mexico known as the Zimmerman Telegram. Germany was asking Mexico to side with them so they could take down the United States. In return Germany promised Mexico that they would regain old territories. This in addition to the Lusitania Sinking pushed America int joining the World War. Germany would know have to face one of the Worlds Power of the U.S. Military
  • America Enters the War

    America Enters the War
    In January of 1917 Germany had sent a message to Mexico known as the Zimmerman Telegram, asking Mexico to attack the U.S,. Later on Germany had sunk a British ship that killed 100 American Citizens. In April president Woodrow Wilson has gotten congress to agree on America declaring War on Germany. The next year our troops arrived giving a blow to Germany as they would have to face the Worlds Power of the United States Military.
  • Battle of Caporretto

    Battle of Caporretto
    This was a victory for the Central Powers after 2 years of fighting along the Isonzo River. Austro-Hungarian devoted more resources to help the Italian Front strengthen.New infiltration tactics and artillery, they exhausted the 14th army for 2 weeks. The Italian line held up near Plane River with help from the French and British. This was a one sided War with over 300,000 casualties and 265,000 prisoners. This helped the formation of the Allied Supreme War Council.
  • Armistice-End of WW1

    Armistice-End of WW1
    Germany had eventually run out of supplies such as food. They were also exhausted from fighting this War. On November 11, 1918 Germany requested Armistice which is an agreement to end the fighting with a peace Treaty. The allied had agreed to Armistice and on that day at 11 am November 11, 1918 War had officially ended and the negotiation for a peace treaty would begin.
  • Hillie John Franz-Back to the U.S.

    Hillie John Franz-Back to the U.S.
    On June 18, Hillie and his section form the Army had finally entered back into United States Territory, This was the happiest they had been. Ferry boats loaded with people, and music playing had arrived to great the army men. The men were given many kinds of food, drinks, and smokes. They had received more in 30 minutes than all of their time in France. The men had received items from the YMCA, Red Cross, The Salvation Army and the K of C.