Triple Alliance is formed
The Triple Alliance was the military alliance between Germany, Austria–Hungary, and Italy, (as opposing the Triple Entente which consisted of an alliance between Britain, France and Russia), that lasted from 1882 until the start of World War I in 1914. -
Russia and France alliance
this alliance was between Russia and France and lasted from 1892 until the end of world war one. this anniance was formed to pertect these to countries from the triple alliance that had been formed before with Germany, Austria- Hungry and Belgium. -
Triple Entente Formed
this was a name given to France, Britan, and Russia when they formed an alliance in 1907. Russia and Fance were already in an alliance and Britan soon joined maing them evern stronger. supporting this allliance were several other countries (the united states included) that would help them during the war. -
Assination of Franz Ferdinand
the asssination of the arch duke and his wife sophia was the real starting point of World War 1. Ferdinand and his wife were killed while riding throught the streets in Sarajevio by serb nationalsit Grivilo Princip. -
Period: to
World War 1
Aunstria- Hungry asks Gemany for thier support during the wat
Austria-hungry knew they would soon be entering a war with Serbia after they shot and kidded the Arch Duke and his wife. they knew with the back up of powerful Germany they would have a good chance of being succesful. -
Austria-Hungry offers Serbia an untimatum
after the assination of the Arch duke and his wife ,Austria-Hungry offered serbia an ultimatum, the terms were very harsh and Auntria-Hungry hoped that serbia would not accept becuase they prefered war. when they did not as expected, Austria-Hungry declared war on Serbia starting World War 1. -
Austria-Hungry declared war aginst Serbia
a month after the assination of Franz Ferdinand, Aunstria Hungry feels they have no other choice but to declare war on Serbis knowing that they will be backed up by thier allies. this marks the start Date of World War 1. -
Germany delcares war on Russia
germay decides to declar war on Russia -
Germany declares war on France
after war was declared on Russia, Russia wanted France to help them. so Germany had no other choice ut to declare war on France as well becuase they were helping the enemy. Becuase they were fighting so many wars, the Schliffen plan was put into action to help Germany be on many battle fronts. -
Britan declares war on Germany
the bristish feel threatened by the gaining power of britan and thier allies and feel that they have no other choice but to declare war on Germany -
First Battle of the Marn
the fisrt time trench warfare was brought into being. this war lasted from September 5th to September 12th 1914. this was a new way of fighting and changed wars forever. this was used to help protect soldiers. it was a very bloody battle and many people died.it was fought between Britan and Germany. -
the first battle of ypres
this battle was a First World War battle fought for the strategic town of Ypres in western Belgium in October and November 1914. The German and Western Allied attempts to secure the town from enemy occupation. -
Gallipoli Campaign
took place at the peninsula of Gallipoli in the Ottoman Empire (in modern day Turkey) between 25 April 1915 and 9 January 1916, during the First World War. this was put into action when Allies were trying to end the stalemate and to ultimatly end the war. but this just turned into another stakemate. -
Germany startes submarine warfare
in order to destroy opposing countries vessesls carrying materials that woud help them in the war , germany would use missles deployed by submarines. the ships would not know that they were coming and would have to way of stopping them. this was a very smart tactic of gorillia warfare. -
the second battle of ypres
It marked the first time that Germany used poison gas on a large scale on the Western Front. and this battle ended in a stalemate. -
American ship sunk by Germans
There outraged protests from the United States at the German U-boat campaign, when the Lusitania, which had many American passengers aboard, was sunk. The Germans moderated their U-boat campaign and this caused much conflict between America and Germany. -
Italy enters the war
Italy entered the war on the side of the Allies. -
Germany occupies Warsaw
warsaw is the capital and largest city of Poland and was invaded by the German troops on Aug. 5th. this was a huge gain for Germany and made then evern more powerful this time during the war. -
Serbia is invaded
Serbia was invaded by Germany, Austria-Hungry and Bulgeria. becuase of the lack of supplies that Serbia had becuase the british did not send materials like they said they would to helo the serbian army. this made them weak and easy for them to be invaded -
Battle of Verdun begins
as one of the major battles during the First World War on the Western Front. It was fought between the German and French armies, from 21 February – 18 December 1916, on hilly terrain north of the city of Verdun-sur-Meuse in north-eastern France. it resulted in many casulties on both armies. -
Italy declares war on Germany
italy had joined the war later then most other countries and were helping the british. after Germany had threatened the country enough they decide they have no other choice but to declare war. -
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Germany makes knows they they will be using unrestricted submarine warfare during world war 1. this means that they will sink any british ship that crosses in thier waters and they will do this without any warning. -
interception of hte Zimmermann note
Germany had send a telegraph to mexico telling them that if they allie with them in the war they will help get back the land that was taken away from them by the United States. the Birtish intercepted this nate and told the America, this caused them to go to war aginst Germany. -
Wilson asks congress to go to war on Germany
Germany had made itself a threat to the United States at tis point in the war. Wilson thought it was in best intrest for the pertection of America to go to war aginst Germany and so he asks congress to do so, and they support him. this changes the entire war when the United States joins. -
United States declares war on Germany
after the sinking of the British ship with american passangers on it and conflict between Germany the Unted States decides it is necessary to declare war on Germany to help out thier allies so Wilson does so. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Russia was no longer in the war at this point and wanted to end all conflict with Germany. this was one of the first signs of the beginnign on world war 1. they made a peace treaty called the Brest-Litovsk. the treaty made Russia give up its lands to Germany. -
second Battle of the Marne
Germany forsed all thier troops onto the wastern front, and thought tis was sure to be a victory. but the Germans and been fighting for so long and were weak and very tired of fighting so the allies launched a attack on them. this was the last battle of world war 1