World War 1 Timeline

  • A lot of treaties were signed at the same time to their disadvantage

    Britain signed that they would protect Belgium to keep them neutral from European wars.
    Italy and France agreed to not fight each other.
    Russia signs that they would not attack Serbia.
  • Triple Alliance was created

    Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy form the triple alliance and proposes to give each other military support.
  • Russia and France form an alliance.

    They signed to not tack each other.
  • Britain starts talking to Russia

    Britain is trying to get an explanation from Russia for why it would be better if Britain joined the alliance.
  • Britain joins the Triple alliance

    Russian embassador persuades Britain to join the Triple Alliance.
  • Assacination of Archduque

    Archduque of Austria-Hungary was assacinated in Bosnia in his vehicle after taking the wrong turn.
  • Bertchtold proposed a “final and fundamental reckoning with Serbia”

  • The Kaiser gave Berchtold’s embassador the “Black Check”

    The carte blanche was the response from Serbia for “final and fundamental reckoning of Serbia”
  • Berchtold and Convard von Hotzendorff

    They both started planning on an invasion to Serbia. The first step.
  • Wiesner reportes the finding of the assassination.

    Wiesner reports his findings of the assassination, but found absolutely no evidence on the scene. But Princip and his comrades were suspected to be in the Serbian organization The Black Hand.
  • Publication

    The report Wiesner wrote was publicized in the Serbian Ultimatum.
  • Austria Hungary joins the war

    Austria Hungary joins the war
  • Serbia joins the war

    Serbia joins the war
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia beginning WW1

  • Austrian warships bombard Belgrade

    Austria bombards the Serbian capital.
  • Germany joins the war

    Germany joins the war
  • Russia joins the war

    Russia joins the war
  • France joins the war

    France joins the war
  • Belgium joins the war

    Belgium joins the war
  • United Kingdom joins the war

    United Kingdom joins the war
  • Japan joins the war

    Japan joins the war
  • Period: to

    Battle of Tannenberg

  • Battle of Marre

  • First Battle of Ypres

  • Ottoman Empire joins the war

    Ottoman Empire joins the war
  • Begining of the Trench

  • Italy moves to the Triple Entente

  • Second Battle of Ypres

    Apr 22, 1915
  • Lusitania Sunk

    May 7, 1915
  • Italy joins the war

    Italy joins the war
  • Battle of Verdun

  • Battle of Jutland

  • United States of America joins the war

    United States of America joins the war
  • Treaty of Versailles

  • Germans Request Armistic

  • Armistice Ends Fighting