World War 1 Timeline

  • Dual Alliance

    An alliance between Germany and Austria Hungary. Created by Otto van Bismarck to isolate France.
  • Triple Alliance

    Originally the Dual Alliance but Italy joined making it the Triple Alliance Where: Europe (Specifically: Italy, Germany, Austria-Hungary) What: It was an alliance between Germany, AH, and Italy. Why: It was made by Otto Von Bismark, who feared that France was salty about the Franco-Prussian war and would take its revenge upon Germany. He made the alliance to isolate France so it would have no allies and could not muster up support to go against Germany.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II Takes Power

    Kaiser forced Bismarck to resign because Kaiser did not want to share power with anyone. He strongly favored Militarism and turned Germany into a militaristic nation.
  • Triple Entente

    Who: An alliance between France, Great Britain, and Russia. When: 1907 Where: Europe (France, Great Britain, and Russia) What: An alliance between France, Great Britain, and Russia Why: This alliance was made out of fear. Great Britain was afraid of how Germany was building up their Navy, so they made an alliance that made sure Russian and France wouldn’t fight against them.
  • Annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, because they opposed Serbia's plan to absorb the large Slavic population in the Balkan Peninsula, which would stir up rebellion in their own nation. This angered the Serbs. The Serbs vowed to take B&H away from AH. AH vowed to destroy any Serbian authority questioning.
  • Schlieffen Plan

    Where: Start in France and then the army would move to take over Russia.
    What: created to ensure a quick victory in the war. Germany would beat France then it would move to the east and defeat Russia. Germany thought they could beat Russia. If Germany could not defeat France the plan would collapse.
    Why: This plan was made so Germany would win. It failed because France put up a strong fight in the west. Germany was not winning, they could not advance to russia and win.
  • Period: to

    Trench Warfare

    Who: germany/france
    Where: the western front
    What: When soldiers fought from trenches. Trenches were dug deep in the ground and the soldiers stayed in there. They would hide down in the hole part then come up to throw mustard gas and shoot at the other side. There was not fresh food. The land in between the two trenches was no man’s land.
    Why: There was trench warfare because with new technolgy like the machine guns and tanks they could kill lots of people easily. They dug ditches for cover.
  • Period: to

    Eastern Front

    Who: Germany and Austria Hungary vs Russian and Serbs
    Where: Russia/germany border and in Austria-Hungary
    What: It was a series of battles and it was not as bad as the western front, but it was very cold and they had no supplies. Russia majorly beat AH until late December when AH managed to push Russia out. Russia didn’t have supplies, but they did have lots of men.
    Why: It existed because the Schiefflen plan failed, so it incited the Eastern front. Russia attacked first.
  • Period: to

    Western Front

    Who: Germany vs France
    Where: Northern France (North Sea to Swiss border)
    What: A section of France that locked France and Germany into a stalemate. It was extremely dangerous. All trench warfare. Neither side could advance because it was constant back and forth. No extreme land gains were won on either side. Lots of casualties.
    Why: Because of the Schlieffen Plan. It was supposed to lead to a quick win in france, but France put up a fight that led to the Western Front being created.
  • Assassination of ArchDuke Franz Ferdinand

    Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, visited the capital of B&H, Sarajevo. They were shot by Gavrila Principe, a Serbian and member of the Black Hand. The Black Hand wanted B&H to be free from AH's rule.
  • AH's Ultimatum to Serbia

    Because the assassin of the Archduke and his wife was Serbian, AH took this as an opportunity to smite the Serbia. They presented Serbian with a list of demands and in an ultimatum. Serbia knew iff the did not agree to the terms, war would start.
  • Austria Declares war on Serbia

    The Serbian leaders agreed to some demands and decided they would negotiate on others. AH was upset, and settled on war. Russia, who also had a large Slavic population, took action and supported Serbia in the war. The administered the movement of troops to the Austrian border.
  • Germany Declares War on Russia

    Russia moved its army to the Russian-Austrian border. They expected Germany to help Austria, so they preemptively moved troops toward the German borders. Because of that, Germany declares war on Russia.
  • Germany Declares War on France

    Germany declares war on France. Russia looked to France for help since they were allies. Germany immediately declared war on France.
  • Nations Take Sides

    By mid-August, nations took sides. Allies: Great Britain, France, and Russia
    Central Powers: Germany and Austria-Hungary
  • The Gallipoli Campaign

    The Gallipoli Campaign was an effort by the allies to take the Dardanelles strait. It began in February 1915. British, Australian New Zealand, and French troops took multiple attacks on the Gallipoli Peninsula. In December the allies gave up and suffered 250,000 casualties.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    A german submarine (U-boat) sunk the British passenger ship lusitania. 1,198 people died, including 128 US citizens. Americans were outraged. Wilson sent a strong protest to Germany. After two attacks, the Germans agreed to stop attacking neutral an der passenger ships.
  • Russia's Struggles

    Russia had yet to industrialize. They began to have war struggles, for their army lacked food, guns, ammunition, clothes, boots, and blankets. Supply shipments were also limited due to Germany's control of the Baltic Sea and their submarines. Their only asset that Russia had was their numbers, and even though they suffered much loss, the army still continued to build their numbers and ranks. Russia left the war in 1917.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Germany's launched a massive attack against the France near Verdun. Each side has over 300,000 casualties.
  • Battle of Somme

    In July, the British tried to relieve pressure off France. British attacked German forces northwest of Verdun, in the battle of Somme. It ended in November, and each side suffered over half a million casualties.
  • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    In 1917, Germany announced that their submarines would sink without warning any ships in the water around Britain.
  • Russia Withdraws

    Russia leaves the war because of shortages in food and fuel for their army. 5.5 million soldiers were wounded or taken prisoner or killed. Also, there was lots of civil unrest in the nation which forced Czar Nicholas to step down.
  • The US Declares War on Germany

    President Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany. They join the side of the allies.
  • 14 Points

    Who: Woodrow Wilson
    What/Why: A speech that was supposed to outline the steps for peace after WW1. Also introduced the idea of League of Nations.
  • Second Marne

    In march 1918, the Germans launched one final attack on the Allies in France. By late may, they again reached the Marne river. The Germans military had weakened, and after a lot of fighting, central powers began to crumble.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II Steps Down

    Kaiser Wilhelm II steps down because of the war. Germany also becomes a republic.
  • WW1 Ends

  • Treaty of Versailles

    who: Allies + USA (No Russia or Germany)
    where: Versailles
    what: the creation of a treaty that outlined the terms of the war THINGS INCLUDED: 1) Artical 231- War Guilt placed on Germany
    2) Creation of the League of Nations
    3) Germany's territories were turned into mandates until they were ready for independent. (Administered by LoN)
    4) Lots of boundaries redrawn
  • Armistice

    Who: Germany and France
    Where: Railway Car near Paris
    What & Why: They signed an agreement to stop fighting (armistice)