Trigger of the War - Archduke's Death
Dragutin Demitrijevic was the chief of the Intelligence Department of the Serbia government. Demitrijevic thought Ferdinand was a major threat to the Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia union. The chief sent four men to assasinate the Archduke, Gavrilo Princip eventually hit the Archduke in the jugular vain and the Duchess in the abdomen. -
Austria-Hungray declared war on Serbia
Period: to
World War 1
Australia entered War with Britian
Canada entered war with Britain
Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia
Canadians sent to Camp Valcartier
Camp Valcartier was the largest military camp on Canadian soil and took in 32,000 men and 8000 horses in total over the war. On September 1st Sam Hughes announced he had to get men together to form the 1st Canadian Division. It consisted of Cavalry, Artillery, Infantry, Engineers, Signallers and hospital staff. -
Austria-Hungary declares war on Belgium
Battle of Givenchy
The 1st division of the first battalion of Canada, with the Britians, the French, and the Indians against the Germans. The battle had been going pretty good, especially on June 1st, the Canadians shot a huge bomb right into German trenches. A few days later they occupied the German front line. -
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry is sent out
This was Canada's first unit commited to battle. After leaving the trainging camp they joined Britians 27th Division in France. Canada's 1st Division and Britains started on their journey to the Bay of Biscay. They landed on the north-west coast of France on Febuary 16th then also had to take a 500 mile, 3 day long railway ride to Ypres. -
Battle of Ypres (Second) *Continued*
British troops. After advancing only 2 miles they started digging trenches and through the entire night Canadians fought to close the gap. The cost of this battle: 6,035 casualties and 2000 dead Canadian. -
Battle of Ypres (Second)
In the beginning of the battle the British had an idea to push back the Germans into a concave line. It was difficult because the Germans were on the north, the south and the east. The Germans stood their ground and bombed into enemy trenches. the Germans also had their new weapon, posion gas. They relased 160 tons of chlorine gas, some troops stood in shock and died, other fled and left a 4 mile long gap. The Germans threatened to push forward and that would mean giving up 50,000 Canadian and -
Military Surgeon, John McCrae writes poem: 'In Flanders Field'
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields -
PM Borden introduces Military Service Act
The Military Service Act states that men 18 to 41 yearsold who are phycically able have to join the army. With the exception of married, widowed with children, serving in the Royal Navy, a minister of religion, or working a specific job such as a farmer which is needed back in Canada to tend to crops and livestock to send out to where they are fighting. -
Austrai Hungaray declares war on Portugal
Battle of Vimy Ridge
The Canadians bring 42,600 tons of ammunition and 2,500 tons of daily rations. All four Canadian divisions are together for the first time. It took three days and 34,000 men but they captured Vimy Ridge. Most of the men who came out were Canadian, so this was a great win. casualties: 10,602 -
Battle of Passchendaele
aka. the Battle of Mud
Heavy artillery was launched at the German lines. This lasted for ten days. Three thousand artillery guns fired over four million shells. The Germans came back with just as much but they had to move there men from the West side to the East. In the end for only a few kilometres, the British had lost 310,000 men and the Germans 260,000. -
Battle of Hill 70
This battle has the Canadian Corps. and 4 German Divisions. Both sides used poison gas, but German brought out a new one, mustard gas. It would burn your skin and eyes and you'd become blind and die instantly. In the first wave of attacks Canadians had 15,000 men then added on 12,000 later. That day they had most of the ridge and over the next 3 days they would win it all. -
Conscription now in force in Canada
More men were needed to fight and apparently the only way to get men their was using force. This especially outraged the French Canadians, they said if they were being forced to go into the army they wanted their own french speaking schools back. The French Canadians were outraged so they started a riot, the police were involved and shots were fired. 4 people ended up dieing. -
Brazil declared war on Germany
Halifax Explosion *Continued*
1900 people killed, 9000 people injured, 1600 buildings destroyed, 12,000 homes damaged, 6000 homeless, and 25,000 with inadeqate housing. -
Halifax Explosion
The explosion happened by the Halifax Harbour when a Belgian relief ship (Imo) and a French munitions carrier (Mont Blanc) collided. The Imo headed towards the harbour and exploded 20 minutes later. It causes everything 800 metres to flatten and everything 1.6 kilometers away to be badly damaged. The explosion also started a tsunami wave, it flooded the streets and dragged people out to sea to drown. The next day did not get better, they got one of the worst blizzards they have ever seen. -
Battle of Amiens *Continued*
soldiers died and in total we lost 9,074. -
Battle of Amiens
The Battle of Amiens was also the start of Canada's Hundred days. This batttle brought together artillery, infantry, tanks and aircrafts. In the beginning the Germans had half a million men with artillery bombard Canada for 5 hours straight. Later in June Germans attacked and bombed two hospitals and a well marked hospital ship, 235 lives were lost including 16 Canadian nursing sisters. It was a successful battle but there was still big losses, such as the first day 4000 Canadian soldiers were -
Canadian Corps. capture Valencienne
aka the last major battle.
The British and Canadians are set up along Schlede Canal, outside of Valencienne. An initial attack brought them forward, and bringing out a huge artillery barrage by the end of the day Valencienne was theirs. -
Private George Price of the 28th Battalion shot
Private George Price was the last person to die in the war. After 2 minutes later armstice was called. Germany signed the armstice.