World War 1 Timeline

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    Balkan war

    The Balkan war 1912 and ended on May 30,1913 where a peace treaty was signed to officially end the war. The Slavic Nations of Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Greece had taken out Turkish Forces of Macedonia. in 1912 Russia encouraged Serbia and the others to gain control over the land occupied by the Ottoman Empire in Europe. Even when the Balkan men hated each other, they still wanted to work together. On October 8, 19 Montenegro declared war on Turkey, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece.
  • World war 1 begins

    Ww1 began in 1914-1918 that happened all across Europe because of the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. The death of Archduke Ferdinand led to Austria declaring a war. Trench war and the start of using submarines and tanks in the war. It led to 40m soldiers and citizens casualties and 20m deaths from land and water combined. The war lasted so long because the battle of Verdun, where France held back the German Soldiers. Ww1 was the first war in Europe since the 1815 Battle of Waterloo.
  • Assasination of Archduke Ferdinand

    The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand happened on June 28, 1914 when he was shot to death by a Serbian man. It was one of the many key events that started World War 1. He was killed by Gavrilo Princip which made Austria declare war on Serbia almost a month later. One of the main reasons he was assassinated was to lower the Austrian-Hungary’s provinces. The death of the Archduke Ferdinand led to multiple years of blood slaughter(Greenspan, 2014).
  • Lustiana Sinks

    Lusitania sank on May 7,1915 due to a German Sub that landed a direct hit on them that made them sink less than 20 minutes. Since there were some Americans who were on the boat enraged the Americans, making them join the war. Germany defended their actions, stating that there were weapons and supplies that were being transported. When the American ships started to sail, German submarines wanted to fall back to a more enclosed area/Indian ocean. Afters Hitlers death his successor surrendered.
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    Battle of Verdun

    The Verdun war was like no other, being one of the battles that was meant to be a blood bath from the start. German General Erich von Falkenhayn wanted it to be a battle of mass destruction where they'd win against France. The plan was to trap France attacking them with soldiers making the Germans win, which was named Operation Geinrichta. The Germans attacked on Verdun because of its History and was an ancient city. The prep of this battle was one of the biggest buildups in the whole ww1.
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    Battle of Gallipoli, Somme

    The Battle of the Somme took place in July-November in 1916 which started as a allied attack against the Germans. This battle was written as the most bitter and costly battle of the entire ww1. The battle led to the British losing more than 57k, which includes the 19k soldiers that were killed on the first day. The war ended nearly 5 months later with 3m soldiers on both sides with nearly 1 million deaths at the end. The Battle of Somme was the most costly battle that had multiple casualties.
  • Zimmerman Note

    The Zimmerman note was on January 16, 1917 which was a message sent from Zimmerman that was stopped by British. The note was intended for Heinrich von Eckardt, Who was a German ambassador to Mexico. The plan was told to Heinrich, that if America joined the war, he would go to Mexico’s president to discuss an attack on the U.S. The Germans would give Mexico military and money support in exchange for Texas and Arizona. The message was intercepted and given to U.S. authorities on February 17.
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    Russian Revolution

    The Russian revolution that happened in 1917 was the end of the Romanov dynasty and the Imperial rule for many years. The disillusionment of Czar Nicholas 2nd was from food shortages, Economic hardships and government corruption. Many of the educated people in Russia knew that their nation wouldn't grow due to the monarch rule. Russian Civil war had ended in 1923 with the Red army’s victory.After the many years of the death when the war ended, it led to the many growths of the Russian nation.
  • U.S. Enters the war

    The U.S. decided to join the war on April 2nd, 1917 when Germany decided to sink a boat with American citizens on it. America threatened to cut ties with Germany if they keep sinking boats with passengers. Germany would claim to stop but on January 31, 1917 stated that they would resume submarine warfare saying that it would help them win before America. In Response America cut ties with Germany. In February and March Germany continued to sink American merchants resulting in many deaths.
  • Russia Withdraws from the war

    Russia withdrew from the war in March 1918 due to the 1,700,000 Russian soldiers that died during the war. At the start of the war they were a huge threat when they declared war against Germany Austria-Hungary. Due to the lack of materials and slow production from factories they were running low on ammunition. 800,000 of the soldiers did not have any gun experience going into the war. Most of the men had to go into war with no weapons and were getting them from dead soldiers along the way.
  • Battle of Chateau-Thierry

    On the 1st day of the Battle of Chateau-Thierry the Germans lost a good amount of ground against the allied soldiers. The 2nd day, the Germans defenses locked up against the U.S. and France to hold their ground. Multiple of the German workers were pushed till their exhaustion on the 3rd day, and many were doughboys and commanders. One of the head Generals, Sumrall gave many speeches to get the soldiers motivated to keep fighting. The U.S. won the war but at what cost, calling it a victory cost.
  • Battle of Argonne

    The battle of Argonne happened on September 26,1918 where many men and tanks attacked the Germans. The 37 U.S. and French divisions wanted to end the Germans 2nd army. The allied captured multiple German men, up to 23k by nightfall with an extra 10k later on when they pushed forward. The Germans kept on fighting for another month before their final retreat leading to them give up. The U.S. reinforcements pushed the Germans another 32 km before the Armistice was signed and the war ended.
  • Armistic

    The Armistice happened on November 11, 1918 in the western front of France. The Armistice ended hostilities between the allies of Germany but did not end the official ww1 itself. The agreement was the real reason fighting ended on the western front with the terms of permanent peace to the nations. The Armistice started due to Germany pushing into the territory with lack of resources and reinforcements. One of the leaders of the army was the supreme commander marshal Ferdinand Foch(Kiger, 2023).
  • The Treaty of Versailles was Signed

    The Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919 at the palace of Versailles at the end of ww1. The treaty held Germany responsible for starting the war. They were given punishments, like loss of territory and payments for the damage that was caused.The Big four were the leaders of the meetings due to their victory. Germany and Austria, weren't presented at any meetings. France wanted protection from Germany saying they shouldn't really recover from war. Italy just wanted to expand and be stronger.
  • The first meeting of the league Nations

    The First meeting of the league of nations was on January 16, 1920 and was located in Ge nova Switzerland along with the Assembly of the league on November 15, 1920. 40 representatives from different nations came up with methods to keep a peaceful world. President Woodrow Wilson was the original man who started the league,he was approved at the Paris peace conference. He became a voice for maintaining peace in the postwar world. The allies met with Germany-Austria to go over formal peace terms.