World War 1 timeline

  • Period: to

    World War 1 timeline

  • The death of Archduke Franz Ferdidand

    The death of Archduke Franz Ferdidand
    The death of the Austro-Hungarian leader Impacted the whole world after being assassinated by a Bosnian-Serb man named Gavrilo Princip. It all started when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was driving in Bosnia when he was almost struck by a bomb. Luckily he wasn't killed at the time but later, he suddenly ran into another man that was attempting to kill him. On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz was confirmed dead.
  • Austria-Hungary Declares War

    Austria-Hungary Declares War
    After the sad and tragic death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The Austro-Hungarians were so devastated and angered. A month later from the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Trench Warfare was a a big part of World War 1 because the trenches each army built stood out to about 250 yards long full of 12 foot deep trenches. The fighting between these trenches kept the soldiers fighting for about 1-4 weeks. Armies used this as their advantage because there was no sort of bomb to use. In between each trench was named "No Mans Land" that disputed grounds between the front lines of trenches of 2 opposing armies.
  • The First Battle of Marne

    The First Battle of Marne
    The battle of Marne was the first battle, regarding the start of World War 1. This battle was first started by the German army Invading the east part of France, The outcome of this battle resulted in an Allied victory. It was a miracle for France because they successfully stopped Germany from taking the city capitol, Paris.
  • The invention of Poison Gas

    The invention of Poison Gas
    After a year of Trench warfare, new inventions had been created revolving around trenches and one of those inventions were the Poison Gas, This poison gas inventions were made by a German man named Fritz Haber. He used mostly Chlorine to produce these poison gasses and named it "Mustard Gas". This gas caused eye permanent eye damage.
  • The Sinking of Lusitania

    The Sinking of Lusitania
    After a year of war between Austria Hungary and Serbia, A British boat named Lusitania was sent out to Liverpool, England while carrying military supplies. It was later exploded by a torpedo sent by a German U-boat. This caused 1195 people to lose their lives because of this German attack. This completely angered the U.S.
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    The battle of Verdun was another Fight between the Germans and the French. This battle caused about 750,000 casualties, 400,000 from the French and 350,000 from the Germans. This battle also became one of the longest, and most ferocious battles in modern history.
  • The Battle of Somme

    The Battle of Somme
    The battle of Somme was a fight between the British and French army and the German Empire in July 1st, 1917. This battle was fought on in the western front and resulted in a Allied Victory. This added up to over 1 million casualties.
  • The Introduction of Tanks

    The Introduction of Tanks
    Many inventions have been introduced to World War 1, but the tanks impacted the most during trench warfare. Tanks had the advantage of protection like armor to withstand many bullets. Since there was only 49 made at the time and 25 actually deployed. The disadvantage of this was slow movements, and mechanical errors.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    The Zimmerman Telegram was made by the Germans to send a message coded to Mexico asking for their assistance against the U.S. Unfortunately for the Germans Mexico had declined for their assistance, this infuriated the U.S.
  • U.S Joins the War

    U.S Joins the War
    After the Germans had sunk the boat Lusitania with there U-Boats or the Zimmerman Telegram, This led the U.S to joining the war against Germany and its Allies. The reason for the U.S joining the war was because of the unrestricted submarine warfare.
  • The Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution started when the a man named Vladimir Lenin that leads the communists Bolsheviks took over Tsar. Later then Russia signed the treaty of Brest-Litovsk. This move led them to get pulled out of war.
  • The Selective Service Act

    The Selective Service Act
    Ever since the United States joined the war they had been running low on men and there wasn't enough volunteers. This was not a good look on the U.S, so they had to make a Selective Service act that was passed on May 18, 1917. This Act eligibility for this draft was to be born in the U.S, and need to be in the ages of 18-45.
  • Russia Leaves the War

    Russia Leaves the War
    After 3 years of war Russia finally leaves the war to sign peace. The peace treaty was signed between All central powers and Soviet Russia. The idea behind all of this was the communists of Russia who originally got a hold of power in 1917.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    After more than 4 years in world war 1, Germany agreed to pay off for all the damage made during the war. This also caused Germany to demilitarize, Limit their whole army to 100,000 men, and send off their submarines, planes, and troops in Rhineland. Germany signed this agreement to close off World War 1 on June 28th,1919.