World War 1 timeline

  • June 28

    Heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated by a Serbian group called the Black Hand
  • July 23-28

    Austria-Hungary demands Serbia for retribution, after no demands are fulfilled, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. Russia begins transporting troops.
  • August 1-4

    Germany declares war on Russia and France as part of the Schlieffen plan. They invade Belgium and in result British declares war on Germany.
  • May 7

    Germany attacks the Lusitania, a British luxury ship, with submarines.
  • February 4

    Germans begin to use u-boats(submarines) around Britain to sink Allied merchant ships.
  • February 21

    The Battle of Verdun begins between France and Germany.
  • May 31

    The largest naval battle of the war, the Battle of Jutland, is fought between Britain and Germany in the North Sea.
  • July 1

    The Battle of the Somme begins. Over 1 million soldiers will be wounded or killed.
  • January 19

    The British intercept the Zimmerman Telegram in which Germany tries to convince Mexico to join the war. This will result in the United States declaring war on Germany.
  • April 6

    The United States enters the war, declaring war on Germany.
  • December 17

    The Russians agree to peace with the Central powers and leave the war.
  • January 8

    President Woodrow Wilson issues his "Fourteen Points" for peace and an end to the war.
  • November 11

    Germany agrees to an armistice and the fighting comes to an end at 11AM on the 11th day of the 11th month.
  • June 28

    The Treaty of Versailles is signed by Germany and World War I comes to an end.