Creation of Triple alliance
In 1879, Bismarck formed the Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary. Three years later, Italy joined the two countries, forming the Triple Alliance -
European arms race/militarism
European arms race/militarism (1900- 1914)
The policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war
was known as militarism. A troubling development throughout the early years of the 20th century was the rise of a dangerous European arms race. The nations of Europe believed that to be truly great, they needed to have a powerful military. By 1914, all the Great Powers except Britain had large standing armies. -
The Assassination of Archduke Ferninand
The Assassination of Archduke Ferninand
On June 28, 1914, the couple paid a state visit to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. It would be their last. The royal pair was shot at point-blank range as they rode through the streets of Sarajevo in an open car by a Serbian terrorist group called the Black Hands -
The first declaration of war (the first day or world war 1)
The first declaration of war (the first day or world war 1
Since the Killer of the Austria-Hungarian Archduke was Serbian, Austria-Hungary used the oppurtunity and declared war on Serbia July 28th -
Great Britain declares war on Germany
Great Britain declares war on Germany
On August 1, the German government declared war on Russia. Russia looked to its ally France for help. Germany, however, did not even wait for France to react. Two days after declaring war on Russia, Germany also declared war on France. Soon afterward, Great Britain declared war on Germany. Much of Europe was now locked in battle. -
The battle lines are drawn- Central Powers and Allies (Mid August, 1914)
The battle lines are drawn- Central Powers and Allies (Mid August, 1914) By mid-August 1914, the battle lines were clearly drawn. On one side were Germany and Austria-Hungary. They were nown as the Central Powers because of their location in the heart of Europe. Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire would later join the Central Powers in the hopes of regain-ing lost territories. On the other side were Great Britain, France, and Russia. Together, they were known as the Allied Powers or the Allies. -
Rise of Kaiser Wilhelm II
1888 Kaiser Wilhelm II becomes ruler of Germany. Forces Bismark to resign. Wilhelm did not want to share power with anyone, and was eager to show the world how mighty Germany could become. -
Austria annexing Bosnia and Herzgovina
Austria annexing Bosnia and Herzgovina
In 1908, Austria annexed, or took over, Bosnia and Herzegovina. These were two Balkan areas with large Slavic populations. Serbian leaders, who had sought to rule these provinces, were outraged. In the years that followed, tensions between Serbia and Austria steadily rose. -
Creation of the triple entente
Great Britain formed an entente, or alliance, with France. In 1907, Britain made another entente, this time with both France and Russia. The Triple Entente, as it was called, did not bind Britain to fight with France and Russia. However, it did almost certainly ensure that Britain would not fight against them -
Alliance of Russia and France
Wilhelm let his alliance with Russia lapse, Russia responded with a defensive military alliance with France Which was one thing Bismarck had feared.