World War 1 M.A.I.N

  • Balkan Wars

    Balkan Wars
    On this date till July 18, 1913. The Balkan wars came from the Nationalist states Mainly like the Ottoman empire in the 19th century, they had ravaged the southeastern side of Europe but in the 21st century. States such as Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, and Serbia were trying to seek the other states that were successful with nationalists in the 19th century with Germany and Italy. Nationalist states tried to get maximum claims by getting the remaining people from the Ottoman empire.
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    The day of June 28, 1919, was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. they were shot to death by a man that was a Serb nationalist and he was Garvilo Princip. This happened during there visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. But the killing had triggered the outbreak of world war l.
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    In the 1914 World war, I started off after the assassination of Archduke Franz. Between the time Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (the Central Powers) fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States (the Allied Powers). But due to new technology, there was great damage that happen during the time. 16 million people were dead either soldiers and civilians.
  • Battle Gallipoli

    Battle Gallipoli
    The battle had ended on January 9th, 1916. The battle of Gallipoli was unsuccessful in the attempt of alliance power to try and control the sea route to Europe to Russia during the war. There was a failed naval attack by the British and major mass invasion between the french and British troops as well with Australia. But they had lacked intelligence and knowledge the land invasion was a failure
  • Lusitania sinks

    Lusitania sinks
    On this day U-boat had sunk and specifically, the U-20 had sunken Lusitania. Germany had considered the Lusitania apart of the British therefore it was an enemy ship. President Woodrow Wilson had made the U.S throughout the isolationist foreign policy. That then triggered the U.S to improve technologically, ideologically, and strategically.
  • Battle Verdun

    Battle Verdun
    The battle from that day had lasted until December 18, 1916. But this war was the most brutalist battle while known for the longest, bloodiest, and ferocious battle of them all. The war could have been a win-lose situation, but Germany's goals would have been successful if they followed there plan with attrition. Russia was paralyzed and they thought Italy couldn't affect the outcome with the war
  • Battle Somme

    Battle Somme
    This battle had ended on November 18, 1918. The battle had begun with the alliance being offensive on the western side against Germany. The British soldiers had faced 19,000 death while following 57,000 injured. The allies had used week-long heavy artillery in the battle to cut the wire of Germanys defensive position. While that happens the French division had moved on 8 miles south to make Germanys defensive weaker
  • Russia withdraws from war

    Russia withdraws from war
    In 1917 the communist had taken over that led them to decide that war wasn't there best option at there state of being of sacrificing there work class for there financial struggle. Triumph of Bolshevik revolutionaries that were inside Russia was a big role which got rid of there involvement in world war I. It was foolish of Czar to and high officials to try and take over Russia government at that time because of how they lost against the Japanese military
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    During the time of world war 1, Russia was broken. Vladimir Lenn and Anton Denkikin were the leaders of the revolution and they promised that there will be better working conditions everywhere. He went by saying " Peace, bread, and land to all". But he lied so the peasants all turned against him and started rioting, then the soldiers stopped protecting him then went against Vladimir until they rushed the palace that overthrew him. They got a better government system after that.
  • Battle Chateau-Thierry

    Battle Chateau-Thierry
    This battle was about 40 miles away from Paris. The Americans had amazed Germany with there performance in battle because of the help of America's marines. The Germans had noticed America's division that included the army and the marines. With the ability to improve on firearms from America, Germany couldn't keep up nor affect them in any way.
  • Battles Argonne

    Battles Argonne
    In this time of the battle, America had the most difficult time overcoming the natural obstacle and the dense of the Argonne forest. The surprise opening attack was advanced by 5 miles. Since America kept on going attack after attack against Germany they had put them in a more deeper defensive position. Then came the 11th day Germany was pretty much forced to retreat to avoid being captured. The battle had ended on November 11th 1918
  • Armistice day

    Armistice day
    The actual definition of armistice is pretty much a truce because its an agreement that the rival had made to end the battle between each other. But on that day is known for armistice day that Germany were gonna be invaded by the alliance but since Germany had poor supplies of food and weapons they just made a truce and signed the armistice agreement. From that the agreement with the allies, world war l was brought to an end
  • U.S. enters war

    U.S. enters war
    The U.S on that day had made an alliance with Britain, France, and Russia to fight in world war 1. Under the command of major general John J. Pershing as he is followed by 2 million other people to the battlefields that are in France. This would have been avoided if Germany didn't sink the Lusitania then 128 American soldiers wouldn't have died but that made America engage more in battle
  • Treaty of Versailles signed

    Treaty of Versailles signed
    Germany wanted to make some type of arrangement with the Pres. Woodrow Wilson but he had declared to Germany to agree with the 14 points that Wilson had made. Then the Alliance wanted Germany to repay them for all the damage that they have made from civil population, land, sea, and sea. But after Germany being overwhelmed with the Alliance and signed that treaty Germany had been reduced by 10 percent in there territory and population. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2019, November 7)
  • First meeting of the League of Nations

    First meeting of the League of Nations
    The league of nations is an international organization that was there to make peace. They were founded 6 days after the Paris peace, Woodrow Wilson became a vocal advocate, he made his 14 points and in them, he had the idea for the League of Nations to maintain peace.