Triple Alliance Formed
The Triple Alliance was an alliance formed between Germany, Austria Hungry, and Italy. Germany and Austria Hungry promised to help Italy if Italy were to be attacked by France. The main reason why the Triple Alliance was formed was to prevent Italy from declaring war on Austria Hungry. -
Germany joins Russia in an alliance
In 1871 Germany established a united empire. Otto Von Bismarck was afraid the his empire might break up because of the possible two front attack from France and Russia. Otto Von Bismarck decided to form an alliance with Russie to prevent his empire from breaking up. -
Wilhelm II allows alliance with Russia to expire
Wilhelm II ended Germany's alliance with Russia. Soon after the alliance was broken, Russia allied with France. This caused Germany to be faced with a two front war if war were to break out. -
Britain formed alliance with France
Wilhelm II began to build a bigger and stronger navy in order to match up with Britain's strong navy. Britain was frightened and to protect themselves from Germany, decided to form an alliance with France. -
7. 1907 Britain made another entente with France and Russia, forming the Triple Entente.
The Triple Entente was an alliance formed between Britain, France and Russia. This alliance was an agreement that Britain would not fight against France and Russia. This alliance brought most of Europe into the war. -
Austria presented Serbia with the ultimatum
Due to the assasination of Austria- Hungry's Franz Ferdinand, Austria Hungry presented Serbia with a long list of demands expecting the concern of the Serbian government. The Ultimatum was Austria Hungry's formal response to the assasination. Serbia refused to let Austria's troops into Serbia to investigate the assasination. Russia mobilized its troops toward Austria. -
8. June 28, 1914 Ferdinand and Sophie visit Sarajevo and are assassinated by Gavrilo Princip
Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were assasinated in Sarajevo. Because of the assasination Austria Hungry declared war on Serbia. Because of various treaties and alliances, many European countries got involved in the war. -
Austria declared war on Bosnia. Russia also ordered mobilization toward the Austrian border
Russia mobilized their troops towards the Austrian border because Austrie declared war on Bosnia. This marked the official beginnig of the war. -
Germany declared war on Russia
Russia mobilized their troops and sent them to the Austrian border in reponse to Austria declaring war on Serbia. The Russians assumed that the Germans would fight with Austria, so Russians troops went to the German border to fight. Germany declared war on Russia. -
Germany declared war on France
Germany declared war on France. German troops invaded Belgium because of the Schleiffen Plan. Britain sent an ultimatum to Germany. The ultimatum said that Germany should withdrawal from Belgium. -
Britain declared war on Germany
Britain demanded Germany to withdrawal from Belgium. Germany did not withdrawal from Belgium, thus, Britain declared war on Germany. -
Germany counterattacked the Russians at Tannenberg.
The Russian army invaded Prussia. It was difficult for Russians to provide supplies to their soldiers. The Germans used their railway sysytem to surround the Russians at Tannenberg. Russia was defeated at the battle of Tannenberg. -
Allies attack Germany at the 1st Battle of the Marne
At the first battle of the Marne, the allies attack Germany. The first battle of the Marne prevents Germany from invading France. The first battle of the Marne countered the belief that this would be a short war. -
Ottoman Empire joins Central Powers
The Ottoman Empire joins the war on the side of the Central Powers. The Ottoman Empire assisted Germany of a bombing on Russia. -
Austrians, with German assistance counter the Russians at the Battle of Limanowa
Austrians counter the Russians at the Battle of Limanowa. Russian plans to invade Germany ended. -
the Allies launch the Gallipoli campaign
The Allies attack the Gillipoli Penninsula. This attack was not successful, and resulted in Bulgaria joining the Central Powers. -
Italy joins Entente
Italy believed the the declaration of war made on Serbia by Austria Hungry was unjustified. Because of this, Italy left the Central Powers and joined the Entente. Because Italy joined the Entente Germany was forced to fight on another front. -
Germany sinks the U.S.S. Lusitania
A naval blockade formed by Germany surrounded Britain. Through the use of unrestricted submarine warfare, a German submarine sunk the Lusitania, which was a British ship. The rivalry between Germany and Britain dragged the U.S. into the war, creating an even larger world war. -
Germans attack the Allies at Verdun in the Battle of the Somme
The Germans attack the French at Verdun. This battle lasted until November of the year 1916. Because Britain and France were allies, Britain attacked Germany in the Somme River to help France. This battle was one of the most gruesome battles of World War 1 and both the Allies and the Central Powers were weakened. -
1917 Germans announce their policy of unrestricted submarine warfare
The Germans announce their policy of unrestricted submarine warfare. This allowed their submarines to attack their rivalries by surprise. The main reason the U.S. joined the war was mainly due to unrestricted submarine warfare. -
U.S. intercepts the Zimmermann Note
Britain intercepted the Zimmerman note. The Zimmerman note was a telegram from Germany to Mexico asking Mexico to form an alliance with Germany. The note said that if Mexico accepted Germany would help Mexico gain United States territory that Mexico had lost. When the U.S. heard about this, they joined the Allies in the war. -
Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany
Woodrow Wilson insisted that congress declare war on Germany. The interception of the telegram, unrestricted submarine warfare, and the sinking of the Lusitania heated the tension between Germany and the United States. -
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ended Russia’s involvement in WWI
Vladimar IIyich Lenin, ruler of Russia, decided to pull Russia out of the war. Lenin decided to pull Russia out of the war because a civil war was occuring in Russia at that time and would not be able to fight another country. Also, Russia was not doing well in the World War. -
Germany and Russia sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Germany and Russia sign the Treaty of Brest-LItovsk. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was an agreement between Germany and Russia to end the fighting. Because Russia was not capable of fighting in a war, Lenin wanted this treaty to protect Russia. Although the treaty ended the fighting, Russia had to give up some of their land to Germany. -
German representative and French Commander Marshal Foch signed an armistice.
Germany declared itself a republic. A French commander met with a representative from Germany and signed an armistice. The armistice was an agreement to cease fighting. This armistice ended World War 1 on 11/11/11.