World war 1

  • the assassination of the archduke

    the assassination of the archduke
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was in Bosnia try to fix relations between Bosnia and Serbia but was killed by Gavrilo Princip in the proces.
  • Countries declare war on other Countries

    Countries declare war on other Countries
    8/14/1914 The Central Powers declared war on The Allied Powers.
    spread into europe, then egypt.
  • the sinking of Lusitania

    the sinking of Lusitania
    A German U-boat sinks the Lusitania off the coast of Ireland. Almost 1,200 people died; 128 were American. Then America gets closer to war with Germany.
  • the united states enters the war

    the united states enters the war
    THE US THE WAR AGAINST DEUTSCHLAND! The government supported the war by posting the Zimmermann Note. The Americans supported war By taking revenge on the germans.
  • the end of the war

    the end of the war
    General John Pershing had upset the german stronghold. they by the fall of 1918, the germans realized they could not win the war.
  • what happened at the Paris Peace Conference

    what happened at the Paris Peace Conference
    Germany was not invited to the conference. President Wilson believed that the treaty did not provide the just peace that he wanted. Germany did not like the treaty.
  • the rejection of the treaty

    the rejection of the treaty
    According to the Constitution, two-thirds of the senate must approve all treaties between the United States and and other nations. with all of these events that happened within the next 20 years this will start world war II.