World War 1

By Sketch1
  • Assassination Of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinated

    Gavrilo Princip assassinates Austrian Heir Presumptive Franz Ferdinated while he is stuck in traffic in Sarajevo. What a way to go.
  • Austria Delievers The July Ultimatum

    Austria delivers unto Serbia the July Ultimatum, a series of outragious demands, in an attempt to provoke Serbia into war.
  • Austria Declares War On Serbia

    Serbia accepts the July Ultimatum. In frustration, Austria delares war.
  • Russia declares war on Austria

    Russia goes to her ally Serbia's aid. They also mobilize act aggressively towards Germany. The Kaiser asks the Tsar to stop the mobilization. The Tsar refuses.
  • Germany declares war on Russia.

    Germany declares war on Russia.
  • Germany declares war on France

    They also invade Luxembourg
  • Germany declares war on Belgium

    Germany declares war on Belgium
  • Britian declares war on Germany

    Britian demands that Belgium be left neutral in this war. Germany responds 'unsatisfactoraly'. Britain declares war.
  • Serbian Campaign

    Over the next two weeks, Austrian armies attack Serbia, and are repelled. Hopes of a swift victory are dashed.
  • German And Allied Troops Clash For The First Time

    German and Allied troops do battle for the first time at the Battle of the Frontiers (August 14-24).
  • British Blockade Germany

    The British establish a navel blockade of Germany to prevent goods getting in. Over time, this will cause severe damage to German infersturcture.
  • Russian and German Troops Clash

    Russian and German troops fight the Battle of Tannenberg until Sept 2. Russian advance is halted.
  • Trench Warfare Begins

    At the end of the First Battle Of The Marne, Allied troops find themselves facing German trenchs, stretching from from Lorraine to Belgium's coast. The British and French dig their own trenches.
  • Battle Of Sarikamish

    Ottoman commander Enver Pasha attacks Russia during winter. He looses 86% of his troops in battle.
  • Battle Of Neuve Chapelle

    The Canadian Expeditionary Force sees their first battle, attempting to stop German reinforcments from reaching the town.
  • Germans Use Gas For The First Time

    The Germans use Chlorine gas to try and break through the allied lines. While never a decisive weapon, it would be remembered as one of the most horrific parts of the war. While British and French troops flee in panic, Canadian troops hold the line.
  • The Galipoli Campaign Begins

    The British land at Gallipoli, and clash with the Ottoman empire. The Ottomans will win by January, in what will be regarded as an extremely bloody defeat for the British, which gains them nothing.
  • Sinking Of The Lusitania

    The RMS Lusitania sinks, attacked by a German U Boat. Several Americans are killed, and the US edges towards war.
  • Italy Declares War On Austria

    After, more to the point, a sort of bidding war in which both Austria and Britian offered Italy Austrian land in exchange for taking their side. The Italians accept the allies offer of Austrian Littoral and territory on the Dalmatian coast if Austria was defeated. This was cemented in the Treaty of London.
  • Germans Counter Attack Against Russia

    After pushing for several months, the Germans capture Warsaw from Russia. Russians withdraw from Poland.
  • Serbia Is Defeated

    The Battle Of Kosovo ends. Serbia is officailly defeated by the Austrians.
  • Germans Attack Verdun

    The Germans attack the French positions at Verdun. This battle lasts until December, when a French counter attack finally returned things to their original state, at the cost of near a million men on both sides.
  • Battle Of Jutland Takes Place

    The only full scale clash of battleships in the war takes place in the North Sea. The battle was inconclucive, but the British maintained control of North Sea.
  • The Battle Of The Somme

    The battle of the Somme begins. The British army looses 57470 men on the first day. In the end, ground gained will be measured in feet, at the cost of about 1.5 million total causualties (including all sides). Canadian soldiers are involved.
  • Britian Deploys Tanks For The First Time.

    They were not very effective, but they marked the creation of a new kind of cavalry (this was good, as Horse Cavelry proved to be worse that ineffective).
  • The Germans Attempt To Negotiate Peace

    The Allies refuse, on the grounds that they want Germany to return to it's original boarders, and pay for damage done.
  • Germany Begins Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    Their goal is to strave Britian out of the war. What actually happens is that the US joins the game.
  • The Tsar Abdicates

    The Russian revolution finishes with the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II. A provisional govenment is created to try to end the war.
  • America Declares War On Germany

    This was not a suprise for the Germans, who had been expecting it ever since starting unrestricted submarine attacks. They had been trying to convince Mexico to invade the US, as well.
  • Canadian Corps Takes Vimy Ridge

    The Canadian Corps takes control of the German held high ground known as Vimy Ridge, thanks to mixture of good practice and planning, tactical inovations, and failure of the Germans to apply their defence dectrine properly.
  • French Army Is Brought To The Brink Of Collapse

    The Nivelle Offensive ends. The French army is now on the brink of collapse, with widespread mutinies.
  • Battle Of Passchendaele Start

    The British, supported by the French, start another attack. This one goes well, and advances are made before the attack bogs down in the October mud. Canadian units meet several objectives.
  • Central Powers Route Italian Armies

    They are forced to retreat nearly 100 miles. This comes as an even greater blow, after suffering 11 defeats at the hands of Austria.
  • The Treaty Of Brest-Litovsk Is Signed

    This ends the war for Russia, and ceeds unto Germany huge tracts of land, including Finland and the Baltic provinces.
  • The Ottoman Empire Surenders

    Grand Vizier Talat Pasha signs a treaty with Russia, ending the war for his shattered nation.
  • The Ludendorff Offensive Begins

    The Germans make a final push for Paris. They advance an enormas 60 Kilometres. However, without tanks or moterized guns, they are unable to keep going. Shells are fired into Paris.
  • The Hundred Days Offencive

    The Allies counter attack against the Germans, and push them back, farther and farther. The Germans never really regain the initiative. "This is a black day for the German Army," said General Ludendorff.
  • German Crown Council Meets

    They met on the status of the war. Their conculsion: victory was now 'improbable'.
  • The War Ends With Germany Signing An Armistice

  • Private George Price Is Killed

    Canadian Private George Price is recognised as the last soldier killed in World War One, shot at 10:58. So close, yet so far. War sucks.
  • Austria Surrenders

    Italy now occupies large portions of Austrian land, including Austrian Littoral and parts of the Dalmatia. Austria Surrenders.