World War 1 Ends

By ham97
  • World War 1 Ends

    World war 1 ended on November 11, 1918 with the treaty of versallies
  • Hebert Hoover elected

    Herbert Hoover was elected in 1928 for president
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday was when the price of stock markets completly collapased
  • Period: to

    First New Deal begins

    Was everything that happened in between leading up to this.
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff

    An act to provide revenue to regulate commerece with forigen countries to encourage the industries of the united states to protect american labor for other purposes
  • 1930 Midterms

    The 1930 midterms added 49 to their number ,senate democrats 8.
  • Food Riots of 1931

    Hungary americans smash grocery store windows take food and run away because they do not have any other way of getting food to eat.
  • Unemployment hits 25%

    Uunemployment hit its highest reaching point
  • First Bank Panic

    The first bank panic was when coustomers were making panic withdrawls from there account
  • FDR is elected

    He was re elected 4 times
  • Emergency Banking Act Passed

    Was passed to attempt to stabelize the economy followed by the Great Depression
  • Period: to

    Second Bank Panic

    They involved laws passed by congress as well as presidental executive orders
  • Tennessee Valley Authority Created

    it was created to oversee the construction of dams to control flooding improve navigation and created cheap electric power in the tennessee valley basin.
  • FDR attempts to "stack" the court

    presented congress with legislation intended to manufacture supreme court approval for the new deal.
  • Period: to

    US enters World War 2

    was one of the largest wars worse then World War 1
  • "First Hundred Days"

    Was when the passed 15 seperate bills which together formed the basis of the new deal