World War 1

  • How many soldiers Died in WW1

    How many soldiers Died in WW1
    In the war 10 millions of Soldiers and 7 Million of civilians.
  • Most important weapons in the war

    Most important weapons in the war
    -Machine guns
    -Poison Gas
  • Germans fire’s

    Germans  fire’s
    The germans fire shells filled of gases at the allied lines the first time using a lot of gas in battle, and the result in the collapse the lines french’s. But the germans don’t take the advantage.
  • Ellsworth DeWitt Hill

    Ellsworth DeWitt Hill
    He participate on the World War 1 in 1914-1918
  • The Veteran Ellsworth DeWitt Hill

    The Veteran Ellsworth DeWitt Hill
    The service to Dates of Service
    1915-1945 on the unit Unit of Service
    Civil Affairs Division; Headquarters Advance Section CZ G4
  • First Tanks in the World war 1

    First Tanks in the World war 1
    El primer uso de los tanques en el campo de batalla fue el uso de los tanques Mark I en la batalla de Flers Courcelette
  • New War Commander

    New War Commander
    Lloyd George never trust the minister to direct. the British army was bing led not right by french me could appeal to the British.
  • The Germans was want join forces with mexico

    The Germans was want join forces with mexico
    The Germans was want help mexico to retake they land.
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    Congress pass authorizing the draft. Although criticized for destroying the democracy at home while fighting for it abroad.
  • Russia And Germany Peace

    Russia And Germany Peace
    The germany’s sign the peace with the new Bolshevik Government in Russia.
    The terms of the treaty the germany huge tracts of land that has been the Ukraine and Poland.
  • Chateau-Thierry

    The Americans the Germans at Chateau-Thierry. This battle would morph into the larger Battle of Belleau Wood.
  • Homing Pigeons

    Homing Pigeons
    500,000 Pigeons carried the messages between the headquarters and the front lines .