world war 1 digital timeline project

  • The Election of President Woodrow Wilson

    The Election of President Woodrow Wilson
    The Republican split enabled Wilson to win 40 states and a landslide victory in the electoral college with just 41.8% of the popular vote, the lowest vote share for a victorious presidential candidate since 1860.
  • The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand: The Outbreak of WW1

    The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand: The Outbreak of WW1
    The assassination precipitated the July Crisis which led to Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia and the start of World War I.
  • America Proclaims Neutrality in World War 1

    America Proclaims Neutrality in World  War 1
    The war created a tremendous demand for American industrial and agricultural products.
  • The Battle of Marne

    The Battle of Marne
    marked the end of the German sweep into France and the beginning of the trench warfare that was to characterize World War One.
  • The Sinking of the Lusitania

    The Sinking of the Lusitania
    contributed indirectly to the entry of the United States into World War I.
  • The Battle of the Verdun

    The Battle of the Verdun
    France repelled the German assault, saving the city of Verdun and winning a major morale boost.
  • The Sussex Incident

    The Sussex Incident
    The attack prompted a U.S. threat to sever diplomatic relations.
  • The Battle of the Somme

    The Battle of the Somme
    A more professional and effective army emerged from the battle.
  • The Re-Election of President Woodrow Wilson

    The Re-Election of President Woodrow Wilson
    Given Wilson's incumbency and enormous popularity within the party, he was overwhelmingly re-nominated. Vice President Thomas R. Marshall was also re-nominated with no opposition.
  • The Interception of the Zimmerman Telegram

    The Interception of the Zimmerman Telegram
    The Zimmermann telegram clearly had helped draw the United States into the war and thus changed the course of the war,
  • The Declaration of New Unrestricted Submarine Warfare by Germany

    The Declaration of New Unrestricted Submarine Warfare by Germany
    Germany declared a war zone around Britain, within which merchant ships were sunk without warning. This 'unrestricted submarine warfare' angered neutral countries, especially the United States.
  • The United States Enters World War 1

    The United States Enters World War 1
    it made the eventual defeat of Germany possible.
  • The Selective Service Act

    The Selective Service Act
    provide our Nation with a structure and a system of guidelines which will provide the most prompt, efficient, and equitable draft possible, if the country should need it.
  • The Espionage Act

    The Espionage Act
    broadly sought to crack down on wartime activities considered dangerous or disloyal
  • The Landing of the American Expeditionary Force in France

    The Landing of the American Expeditionary Force in France
    some American soldiers became a symbol of deliverance for the French people.
  • The Fourteen Points by President Wilson

    The Fourteen Points by President Wilson
    the basis for peace negotiations at the end of World War I.
  • The Beginning of the Spanish Flu Epidemic

    The Beginning of the Spanish Flu Epidemic
    Because the virus was new, very few people, if any, had some immunity to the disease.
  • Russia Pulls Out of World War 1

    Russia Pulls Out of World War 1
    because it was in the interest of Russian Communists (Bolsheviks) who took power in November 1917
  • The Passing of the Sedition Act

    The Passing of the Sedition Act
    tightened restrictions on foreign-born Americans and limited speech critical of the government.
  • The Battle of Argonne Forest

    The Battle of Argonne Forest
    one of the attacks that brought an end to the War
  • Armistice Day Ends World War 1

    Armistice Day Ends World War 1
    the armistice between Germany and the Allies was the first step to ending World War I.
  • The Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles

    The Paris Peace Conference and Treaty of Versailles
    According to French and British wishes, the Treaty of Versailles subjected Germany to strict punitive measures. The Treaty required the new German Government to surrender approximately 10 percent of its prewar territory in Europe and all of its overseas possessions.