world war 1

By nik69
  • The assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

    The assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
    archduke and wife was shot to death by 6 assassins in sarajevo
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia because of the assassination of thier archduke.
  • Germany invades Belgium

    Germany invades Belgium with a force of 750,000 men to belgiums 117,000 men.
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    Battle of Tannenburg

    the battle resulted in almost complete destructin of the russians second army.
  • Battle of Tannenburg

    Battle of Tannenburg
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    First Battle of the Marne

    germans try to invade france but allies hold off germans and win.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    First Battle of the Marne
  • australians in Egypt

    australian troops were meant to stop at france or the middle east for 6 weeks of training
  • Christmas Truce

    unnoficial christmas truce was delcared.
  • second battle of Ypres begins

    germans first use of poison gases.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    german sub shoots torpedo at US ship sinking it and killing 1,198 people.
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    Battle of Verdun

    french won. german fifth army attacked the defenses. and the second army attacked thr Right
  • US declares War

    US declares War on germany.
  • Battle of the Jutland

    Battle of the Jutland
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    Battle of the Jutland

    largest naval battle and the only full scale clash of battleships during the war.
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    Battle of the Somme

    one of the largest battles in WW1 where over 1million men were killed or wounded. British and french won.
  • battle of fromelles

    first major battle that the australians fought in. and 1500 british and 5533 aussies were killed
  • zimmerman telegram

    allies intercept telegram from germany to mexico about germany bribing mexico with MONey and old territories back
  • USSR withdraws from war

    they withdrawl because the russian revolution
  • German Spring offensive of 1918

    marks the deepest advances from either side since 1914. germans realised that their only remaining chance of victory was to defeat the allies
  • World War 1 Ends

    the official end of WW1 with the signing of the treaty of versailles.