World War 1

  • Biography of Colonel Edwin Turner Bowden

    On October 22, 1894. In 1916, he graduated from the University of South. His military service includes the Mexican Punitive Exedition, in 1919. Siberia September 1919. China 1920-1921 and German Occupation forces in 1921.
  • The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Back in June 28th, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sanajevo. He was archduke of Austria. His exact location when he died was in Savajevo, Bostnia and Herzegovnia. Garvrilo Princip assassinated the Archduke.
  • Russia Mobilizes

    Russia mobilizes its vast Army to intervene against Austria-Hungary in favor of its ally, Serbia. This move started a chain reaction that leads to the mobilization of the rest of European great powers, and inevitably to the but break of hostilities.
  • Battle of the Marne

    At the start of the first World War, Germany hoped to avoid fighting in two fronts by knocking out France before turning into Russia, France's ally. The initial German offensive ad some early success, but there were not enough reinforcements immediately available to sustain momentum. The French and British launched a counter-offensive at the Marne. September 6-10 1914
  • Germans Fire

    The Germans fired shells filled with chlorine gas at allied lines. This is the first time that large amounts of gas are used in a bottle. And the result is the near-collapse of the French lines. However, the Germans are unable to take advantage of the breach.
  • Battle of Gallipoli

    The Gallipoli campaign (25 April 1915- 9 January 1916) was the land based element of stratagy intended to allow Allied ships the pass through the Dardanelles. At dawn on April 25, 1915, Allied troops landed on the Gallipoli peninsula in Ottoman Turkey. Trench Warfare quickly took hold, mirroring the fight of the Western Front.
  • Lusitania Sinks

    A German Submarine sinks the passenger liner Lusitania. The ship carries 1,198 people, 128 of them were Americans. This is an event I was very interested in.
  • He got a Bachelor of Arts diploma

    He was awarded a Bachelor of Arts diploma from the University of South. He was also in the Alpha Alpha Honor graduate society. He upholded a required standard of scholarship through the four year course. He was then placed on the honor roll of this society. He mentioned that "this is the biggest day of my life."
  • Battle of Verdun

    The battle of Verdun happened from (21 February- 18 December 1916). It was the longest battle of World War 1. It was also one of the costliest. Beginning in February 1916 with a German attack on the fortified French town of Verdun, where bitter fighting would continue for most of the year. The French retook lost ground in the Autumn and through careful management of the Army.
  • Battle of Jutland

    The battle of Jutland lasted from May 31st- June 1st 1916 it was the largest Naval battle of the First World War. It was the first and only time the British and German fleets of "dreadrought" battleships actually come to blows. The German SCO fleet hoped to weaken the Royal Navy by launching an ambush on the British fleets in the North Sea. German Admiral Reinhard Sheer planned to lure out both Admiral Sir David Beatty's force before Jellicoe's arrival.
  • Battle of Somme

    The battle of Somme lasted from (July 1st- November 18th 1916). It was a joint operation between the British and the French intended to achieve a decisive victory, over the Germans on the Western Front. For many in Brittain, the resulting battle remains the most painful and infamous episode of the First World War.
  • The First Tanks

    The British employed the first tanks ever used in battle, at Delville Wood, France. Although they are useful at breaking through walls, barbed wires, and clearing a path for the infantry. Tanks are still primitive and they fail to be a decisive weapon, as their designers thought they would be.
  • When and how did he get into war?

    Edwin Turner Bowden Sr. was a colonel in the Army, he served in World War 1 and World War 2. Before World War 1 he lived in Tennessee. He did not tell how old he was when he went to war, but you can guess he was about 25-30 years old because he said he has a wife.
  • Letter to his Aunt Louise from Edwin T. Bowden

    On November 12th, 1919 he wrote a letter to his Aunt Louise back home.In his letter he mentioned that he was eight miles out of the Spanish Territory. He said that the city of Mauila had two parts. One half was called the Wall City, built by the Spanish and is surrounded by a wall. That sounds interesting?
  • Another letter to Aunt Louise

    He wrote another letter to his Aunt Louise. Talking about how he thought that "tonight is a memorable night" he told her how he will very soon. He said how he will get home, by plane obviously. So Edwin was going on how he couldn't wait to get back home. That is what this letter was all about.