World War 1 causes and events!

  • Prussia and Germany!

    Prussia and Germany!
    Prussia and Germany combine together. They then form a new empire. This empire is ruled by King Wilhelm I.
  • Period: to


  • France and Prussia in war.

    France and Prussia in war.
    The war between France and Prussia began.
  • End of French and Prussia war!

    End of French and Prussia war!
    The French and Prussia war has just ended. This war left a humilating defeat for France!
  • King Wilhelm I passed away. :/

    King Wilhelm I passed away. :/
    King Wilhelm I passed away today on September 9 of 1888. I know you're probably thinking "whats gonna happen to the empire then?". Well his son Wilhelm II is going to take his father's position at throne.
  • Russia and France alliance? o.O

    Russia and France alliance? o.O
    Yes, you heard right.This is the date that King Wilhelm II created the alliance between France and Russia! Pretty crazy, huh?
  • Russian and Japanese war

    Russian and Japanese war
    This is when the Russian and Japanese war started!
  • End of Russia and Japanese war

    End of Russia and Japanese war
    This war ended with Russia being defeated.
  • 1st balkan war!

    1st balkan war!
    This was started by an alliance made up of Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, and Bulgaria. This war was against the "turks" (Ottoman Empire)
  • End of balkan war!

    End of balkan war!
    A peace treaty is signed ending the war.
  • 2nd Balkan war

    2nd Balkan war
    This war was started because of Bulgaria. They were upset because they weren't getting their fair share from the first balkan war.
  • End of balkan war.

    End of balkan war.
    This war ended on August 10 of 1913. This war caused a lot of deaths for all of Bulgaria's allies and Bulgaria. I think this was a very pointless war.
  • Assassinations? :O

    Assassinations? :O
    Yes, you did read that right. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated on June 28 of 1914.