World War 1

  • U.S. Get Zimmerman's Note

    Zimmerman's note was Germany purposing Mexico become an alliance if America ever joined the war. Germany told Mexico they would help take back Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona if they were victorious in the conflict between America and Germany. This then lead to America joining the War.
  • US declares War on Germany

    The United States declared war on Germany because Germany Violated a pledge they made to America, saying that they wouldn't use submarine warfare.
  • Selective Service Act

    This law happened because before we got into the war the U.S. army was small compared to others. But it became apparent that if they were going to enter the war they needed way bigger numbers.
  • Frank Woodruff Buckles

    Frank Woodruff Buckles
    Frank enlisted into the World War in 1917. Frank lied about his age and entered the army at the age of 16.
  • Frank Woodruff

    Frank Woodruff
    Frank was put on a unit called the First ft. Riley casual (unassigned) detachment. They were supposed to go to France, but ended up in Winchester England to relieve a unit who had the camp hospital number 35.
  • America declares war on Austria Hungry

    America declares war on Austria Hungry
    America declares war on Germany in April of 1917. But then president Wilson appears before congress on December 4th, 1917 to request a declaration of war against Austria Hungry.
  • 14 Point Speech

    14 Point Speech
    President Wilson gave this speech listing 14 things were was the only way for world peace. President Wilson did this because the allied powers couldn't agree on thing for Germany.
  • Battle of Cantigny

    Battle of Cantigny
    United States first victorious independent American operation. The attack was to reduce German army's territory.
  • Battle of Chateau-Thierry

    Battle of Chateau-Thierry
    The action that happened at Chateau-Thierry starting on July,2 1918 and lasted less than a week. This battle was the allied forces trying to take back the territory that Germany recently gained.
  • Period: to

    Second Battle of Marne

    This was Germans last major offense on the Western Front. The Allied powers overwhelmed the Germans on their right flank. The Germans were defeated by the allied powers.
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    Battle of St. Mihiel

    The battle at St. Mihiel was General John J. Pershing of the United States hoping America could break through German lines. He wanted to capture the fortified city of Metz.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Meuse-Argonne

    This was the biggest Allied Offenses, stretching across the entire western front. This front was involving 1.2 million American soldiers, and was the deadliest battle in U.S. history.
  • Envelope with military papers

    Envelope with military papers
    Frank had a special order, to evacuate the prisoner of war.
  • Frank's Discharge

    Frank's Discharge
    Frank got discharged at Camp Pike, Arkansas. They gave him a payment of $143.90 with a bonus of $60.00.