World War 1.

  • Before the war; life as Rollin Jack Grace

    Before the war; life as Rollin Jack Grace
    Jack Grace was born in Salisbury, Vermont, he lived with his 4 brothers and 2 sisters. Jacks mother passed away when he was 2, his father married the mother's sister. His father also owned plenty of horses, which led Jack to his position in the army with the Calvary. As a kid, him and his neighbors would fight each other, just in play. As he had said in the interview, Jack was the only brave one out of all his brothers, leading him to the army working at the Mexican border.
  • Crossing the border to Serbia

    Crossing the border to Serbia
    Rollin Jack Grace and another man crossed the border into Serbia out of curiosity, they got there by crossing the invisible line between the U.S. and Russia. Both of the men stayed in Serbia for two days, meeting and speaking with other men there. Both of those men were very lucky to have left when they did, if they were to have stayed any longer, they both would have been put in jail and would still be in as of today for trespassing into Serbian territory.
  • How did the war start?

    How did the war start?
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The archduke and his wife Sophie were shot to death by a Bosnian Serb in the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo by a 19 year old whose name was Gavrilo Princip. The Archduke traveled to Sarajevo to inspect the imperial armed forces, when a group of young Serbian nationalist created a plot to kill the Archduke. Leading to the beginning of World War I.
  • Propaganda

    The Parliamentary Recruiting committee put out posters in order to reel in volunteers for the British army. Propaganda started out with just a short saying, but after the war progressed on artwork was added on to convey a thought with hidden messages within.
  • When did the war begin

    When did the war begin
    Early August
    The deaths of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophie sparked the outbreak of World War I. The Allies- Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the U.S. fought the Central powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.
  • Mexican Border Patrol - Jack Grace

    Mexican Border Patrol - Jack Grace
    Grace was a policeman at the Mexican Border trying to prevent bad people to do anything harmful to anyone else. The Mexicans and Philippians would shoot at all of the men, killing a few now and then, Jack Grace ended up having to kill quite a few Mexicans and Philippians while being a policeman down at the border. Working there they would set traps for the army men and officers down there, no one from the U.S. was allowed to travel alone, in fear of being caught up in one of their traps.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Western front in France was fought using this technique known as Trench Warfare. By the end of 1914, both sides had finished building their sides trenches, stretching from The North sea through Belgium and France. neither side progressed much for three and a half years. (October 1914- March 1918)
  • America entering into world war I.

    America entering into world war I.
    The U.S. stayed out for as long as they could, keeping themselves to a distance. Keeping in mind Wilson's idea of neutrality while still shipping with the European countries. It was difficult to remain neutral after Germany had wrecked their U-boat into our ship carrying Americans. Germany sunk 4 more U.S. ships on April 2. Wilson then declared war on Germany.
  • RMS Lusitania

    RMS Lusitania
    A German U-boat sank the Lusitania while going from New York to Liverpool, England. More than 1,100 had died in the tragedy, resulting in more than 120 of them Americans. Around 2 or so years passed before the U.S. finally joined the Allies.
  • Espionage Act

    Espionage Act
    Passed shortly after the U.S. entered the war. This act made it a crime for anyone to give out information that could potentially interfere with the U.S. army or promoting the enemy and their successes. Anyone guilty of giving out wrongly stated Information would be fined to $10,000 and a prison sentence of 20 years. The Espionage act was reinforced by the Sedition Act, which enforced similar penalties on anyone guilty of false information.
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    Mainly aimed at socialists, pacifists and anyone anit-war. The sedition act imposed harsh penalties on anyone guilty of giving out false information that interfered with the war, insulted the U.S. government, the flag, or the constitution or military. Any person found guilty will be punished with a $10,000 fine or put in prison for no more than 20 years, or both.
  • World war I comes to an end

    World war I comes to an end
    American troops resources into the western front tipped the scale benefiting the Allies. Soon after Germany signed an armistice with the allies on this day in order to finalize the end of the war. World war I was known to be the “war to end all wars” due to the great slaughter and destruction caused.
  • Returning to "Camp Devin's" before going home.

    Returning to "Camp Devin's" before going home.
    Going back home after the war, stopping at Camp Devins in California, getting mustered out back to their homes. Talking about how he had to fight if needed to, and he enjoyed his time in the army, and how ready for the war he was. All of the Veterans were grouped up into who went where, then sent back home, or to the homes they would be living in.
  • After the war in the veteran home

    After the war in the veteran home
    After the war was over, Jack Grace went to the camp, after being mustered out and sent to the veterans home he's in now. He lives in the same house as one of the Serbian men he had met while across the border. I believe what he also said was he stays at the home with his wife, his previous wife had died and he had a child from that marriage. Every now and then his daughter comes and visits him.
  • The treaty of Versailles

    The treaty of Versailles
    The treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, some people began calling World War I the “war to end all wars” but the treaty did not meet that goal. Germany felt as if they were tricked into signing the treating, they thought any peace is peace without victory which was told to them by Wilson through his “Fourteen Points speech” in 1918. Many had come to hate the Treaty which resulted into resentment in Germany.