• Assassination

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrilo princip this kick started the war.With tensions already high in Europe ,with Germany building its army,imperialism,alliances,nationalism,all it needed was a push.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    On Christmas eve 1914 British and German troops sang Christmas carols to each other across the trenches. On Christmas day they came out of the trenches into no mans land and traded things and even played soccer. This was not an official truce the troops did it on their own going against what they were told. This was the only time a truce like this happen during the war. The next day the war was back on as usual.
  • Glowworms

    The trenches were dark and wet this attracted a type of glowworms found in Europe. They would collect them by the thousands in jars and use them as lights. They were bright enough to read by or to light up the trench so you could see where you are going. They didn't have flashlights like we do today they had to find other ways to make light.
  • Tanks

    Tanks were first used in world war one. Tanks weren't used heavily until 1916 by 1918 the tank corp was established.Tanks were not extremely useful at the time, they were slow and broke down a lot. Another problem was that they couldn't go over most of the trenches. Even though tanks were problematic they were still used later in the war.
  • the US Joins the War

    the US Joins the War
    There were two main reasons the US entered the war. The first was 100 US soldiers were killed on the British ship the Lusitania. The second reason was that Germany sent a telegram to Mexico saying if they join them they will help them get back New mexico,Texas,and Arizona. We did not like either of those thing so we decided to join the war.
  • Plastic Sergery

    Plastic Sergery
    World War one sparked the invention of plastic surgery. Soldiers would get hit by shrapnel from bombs and it would tear skin off there face. Surgeon Harold Gillies developed techniques to implant latex and sculpt these soldiers faces back or close to the way they used to be. If it wasn't for World War one plastic surgery would be far less advanced.
  • Night Watch

    Night Watch
    One of Hubert's first jobs was to watch a road that went into the woods and guard it.he worked a 6 hour shift during the night and had 12 hours off afterwards.Men in the trenches worked 24 hour shifts and 24 hours off. One night while he was guarding the road a friendly aircraft gun was shooting at a German plane in the sky. The German plane shot a near by battery and it exploded flinging shrapnel near where he was.
  • Travel

    Hubert traveled in train cars that held 84 men there wasn't enough room for them to lay down. They traveled like this for 6 days all they had to eat was hardtack and a few cups of coffee they get along the way from the red cross.the only timed they stooped for a long period of time was when they were a little bit outside of pair's but they could not leave
  • The Zipper

    The Zipper
    Gideon Sunback was a Swedish born immigrant to the US. He invented a hook less fastener that was later called the zipper. People have been searching for a way to secure two separate pieces of clothe without sowing or buttons The US military implemented it in their uniforms, after the war it was used in civilian clothes..
  • In The Trenches

    In The Trenches
    Hubert was apart of a drive to take German trench lines he was apart of the third line which was not so bad compared to the front two lines. They advanced 13 miles over 20 days. Eventually he was moved up to the second line where.He got sick from he food when he moved up to the second line. He talked about how they would dig more trenches at night and move to other trenches if needed. They would move at night to avoid being seen.
  • Cooties

    Hubert talked about how he had Cooties and how terrible they were. Cooties were like fleas for humans they would bite your skin. He had them for months changing your clothes couldn't get rid of them. It must of sucked having flea like bugs and having to fight in a war.I wouldn't of wanted to be him.
  • Red Cross Package

    Red Cross Package
    Hubert got a package sent by a little girl from California delivered by the red cross. People would send a smell box with things they thought the soldiers in Europe might like. He was sent new socks he seemed very excited about them. earlier in his journal he talked about how in the trenches your feet would be wet all day and start to rot. New socks would of been nice on his feet.