
World War 1: Battles in Ypres

  • Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    The Triple alliance was formed in the year of 1882. It consisted of Germany, Austro-Hungary and Italy. The Triple Alliance was formed for the benefits of each country, as they promised to have each others backs in the war.The date that this alliance was formed is unknown.
  • Triple Entente

    Triple Entente
    The Triple Entente was formed on the 31st of August 1907. The Triple Entente was an alliance between France, Russia and Britain.
  • Balkan Wars

    Balkan Wars
    The Balkan Wars started on the 8th of October, 1912, and ended on the 18th of July,1913, they took place on the Balkan peninsula. The first Balkan War was between Greece allied with Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro against the Ottoman Empire. The second War involved Romania, the Ottoman Empire, Serbia and Greece against Bulgaria. Bulgaria turned against their allies first resulting in a War between them.
  • The assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    The assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand was an Archduke of Austro-Hungary, he asasinated in Sarajevo on the 28th of June 1914. The Archduke was shot in his neck by a group of assasins belonging to the 'Black Hand'. Franz Ferdinand's assasination along with militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism were all contributed to the beginning of World War 1.
  • Austro-Hungary declarded war on Serbia.

    Austro-Hungary declarded war on Serbia.
    Austro-Hungary declares war on Sebria on the 28th of July 1914. This was the beginning of World War 1. Austro-Hungary fought Serbia because of the assasination of Franz Ferdinand as the assasins were from Serbia.
  • World War 1 Starts

    World War 1 Starts
    There were many factors contributing to WW1 beginning. Here are some of the factors:
    Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism played a part, while the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand also contributed. The tension between Serbia and Austro-Hungary were high as a result of the assasionation made by Serbians and the fight for the right to own the Balkan States.
  • First battle of Ypres

    First battle of Ypres
    Unaware of the size of the German troops, British troops entered Ypres in October 1914. The first battle of Ypres was also known as the 'Battle of Flanders'. It involved the British, France and Belgium fighting against Germany to secure the British channel.
  • First battle of Ypres ends

    First battle of Ypres ends
    The first battle of Ypres ended as the Germans lost and it ended the Race to the sea. The German Army recorded around 134,000 casualties from this battle.
  • Creation of the Salient

    Creation of the Salient
    A stalemate existed between the Allied and the German armies. The allies formed a defensive semi-circular frontline running from the northeast, east and souteast of Ypres. This is called a salient in military terms. This caused the Germans to use more man power.
  • Second battle of Ypres started

    Second battle of Ypres started
    Troops fought for the control of the town, Flemish, in Western Belgium. Germans used 168 tonnes of chlorine gas which the Allie forces were not prepared for.
  • End of second battle of Ypres

    End of second battle of Ypres
    Germans were driven back after losing 35,000 men. Nothing was gained by the Germans during this battle.
  • Third battle of Ypres commeces

    Third battle of Ypres commeces
    Also known as the battle of Passchendaaele. The British troops planned to drive the Germans from the dominant ridges and hoped to reach the Belgian coast.
  • Third battle of Ypres ends

    Third battle of Ypres ends
    Extremely bad weather and extreme losses to troops contributed to the end of this battle.
  • Fourth battle of Ypres starts

    Fourth battle of Ypres starts
    Also known as the battle of the Estaires and Lys. Forces came under attack from heavy artillery from the Germans.
  • Fourth battle of Ypres ends

    Fourth battle of Ypres ends
    The Germans were able to successfully take back Ypres by using tear gas to blind the British. The majority of the British forces were either captured or killed.
  • Fifth battle of Ypres starts

    Fifth battle of Ypres starts
    This was the last main battle of the war. Americans started arriving on the western front giving the Allied forces an advantage.
  • End of fifth battle of Ypres

    End of fifth battle of Ypres
    German army was defeated by the Allied forces. This also happened at the same time as the end of world war 1.
  • World War 1 ended (Armistice Day)

    World War 1 ended (Armistice Day)
    World war 1 ended on the 11 hour of the 11 day of the 11 month 1918 (11/11/1918). On this day the fighting stopped aswell as a truce was declared as an armistice came into effect, this day is also known as 'Armistice Day', 'Veteran's Day' or 'Rememberance Day'. A poppy represents this day.
  • Effects of World War 1 on Australia

    Effects of World War 1 on Australia
    World War 1 gave Australia a new identity, as many troops who fought in the war were recognised for their mateship and bravery. Australians who fought in Would War 1 were known as ANZACs, this has impacted our world today as we know have ANZAC day to thank the diggers who risked everything for our country. Although World War 1 had no major impacts on Australia, we still lost thousands of men in the war.
  • The effects of World War 1 on the World

    The effects of World War 1 on the World
    There were many effects from World War 1.
    1. Austro-Hungary became their own countries, Austria and Hungary, which changed the World map.
    2. It led some countries into a very hard economic depression. 3. Hundreds of Thousands of people were injured or had died. 4. The war had an effect socially, as the women took over business whilst men went out to war.
    5. WW1 gave a reason for an association to be created to prevent another global conflict,it was called 'The League of Nations'.