World War 1

  • Treaty of london

  • Dual alliance

    Dual Alliance is between Germany, Austria-Hungary
  • Triple alliance

    The Triple Alliance is between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy
  • Germany signed the Reinsurance Treaty with Russia

    This secrét treaty guaranteed that each country would remain neutral should the other be attacked by a third power unless Russia were to attack Austria-Hungary or Germany to attack France.
  • Franco-prussian alliance

    It stipulated if one of the countries of the Triple Alliance attacked France or Russia, it's ally would attack
  • The Entente Cordial

  • Russia defeated Japan in the Russo-Japanese War.

  • Triple entete

    Linked France, Great Britian and Russia
  • Germany expanded their navy

    However, the naval race was never a real contest for the British
  • Assasination of Franz Ferninad by Gavrilo Princip.

  • Austria-hungary declares war to serbia.

  • Germany declares War on Russia.

  • Germany executed the Schlieffen Plan

  • Germany declares war on France.

  • Britain declares war on Germany.

  • Austria declares war on Russia.

  • Japan declared war on Germany.

  • Austria declares war on Japan.

  • Christmas truce

  • The U.S. declares war on Germany.

  • The U.S. declares war on Austria-Hungary

  • The Battle of Belleau Wood

  • The 14 points

    The 14 points
  • The battle of Hamel

  • The battle of Amiens

  • End of war

  • Paris peace conference

  • Treaty of versailles

  • Treaty of saint germain

  • Treaty of neuilly

  • Treaty of trianon

  • League of Nations

  • Treaty of sevres