Archduke assasinated by Blackhand
Black hand killed the the Archduke in 1914. This was the spark that started the war. -
Austria vs. Slavs
Due to Archduke's Death -
Germany Two-Front War
Fighting France in the West and Russia in the East -
Lusitania sunk
Germay U-boat sank US supply boat -
Eurpe's Eastern Front
The battle lines change, sway back and forth between large areas -
Germay above Russia
They pushed Russia back to their homeland. -
Countries begin drafting
This includes Germany and Great Britain. -
Zimmerman Note
British intercepted a note attempted to ally Mexico and Germany (Mexico helps Germany for German support in Mexico obtaining New Mexico, Texas and Arizona). -
US declares War
Woodrow Wilson is president
Happens 1917-1918 -
Wilson's 14 Points
Leage Of Nations