Assassination of Archuke Francis Ferdinand
Gavrilo Princip a member of the blackhand killed Ferdinand when Ferdianand was visting Serbia -
World War 1 begins
Austria-Hungary declares war on Sebia for not having an investigation of how and why Francis Ferdiand died -
Russia mobilizes troops
Russia starts to mobilizes troops to help Austria-Hungary in the war and joins the war. -
Germany delcares war on France
Germany delcared war after Austria Hungary asked them to help in the war as part of treaty Germany has with Austria Hungary. -
Trench Warfares start
Germany and France are at war in France in different places in France and they are fighting each other in big trenches and if went out of the trenchs it was called "no mans Land" -
The sinking of the Lusitania
Germany was using uncontrolled submarie warfare and the sank the british ship to try to keep them away from delivering supplies. -
Zimmerman Note
Germany sent of letter to Mexico asking them to join the war and Germany will help get some of Mexico's land back from the United States -
Untied States joins the war
After the sinking of the Lusitania that some American soliders on it and the Zimmerman note to Mexico from Germany and the uncontrolled submarie warfare -
World War 1 ends
Every Country in this war started to see that the war was going no where so they called it off -
Treaty of Versailles
When the war ended Britian, Germany, France, Austria Hungary, Serbia, went to sign a treaty to end the war