The World Goes To War

  • The First Declaration of War

    The First Declaration of War
    Section 1: The Road to War,
    The Deadliest War,
    War Begins,
    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
  • Butterfly Effect

    Butterfly Effect
    Section 1: The Road to War,
    The Deadliest War,
    War Begins,
    Germany declares war on Russia
  • It was all Germany

    It was all Germany
    Section 1: The Road to War,
    The Deadliest War,
    War Begins,
    Germany declares war on France
  • The Last Straw

    The Last Straw
    Section 1: The Road to War,
    The Deadliest War,
    War Begins,
    Germany invades neutral Belgium and Great Britain declares war on Germany
  • A Long Stalemate

    A Long Stalemate
    Section 1: The Road to War,
    The Deadliest War,
    War Begins,
    The First Battle of the Marne
  • An Uprising

    An Uprising
    Section 1: The Road to War,
    Entering the War,
    Russian Revolution,
    Military defeats and food shortages led to an uprising. Tsar Nicholas the 2nd is overthrown.
  • Declaring War

    Declaring War
    Section 1: The Road to War,
    Entering the War,
    Declaring War,
    President Wilson asked Congress to declare war
  • Seizing the Government

    Seizing the Government
    Section 3: Americans at War,
    Setbacks and Advances,
    Russia Makes Peace,
    Under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin, a radical faction known as the Bolsheviks seized the government
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Section 3: Americans at War,
    Setbacks and Advances,
    Russia Makes Peace,
    Russia and Germany signed the peace agreement, called the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
  • Germany Unleashes

    Germany Unleashes
    Section 3: Americans at War,
    Setbacks and Advances,
    Germany Attacks,
    Germany unleashes a series of daring attacks
  • The Second Battle

    The Second Battle
    Section 3: Americans at War,
    Setbacks and Advances,
    Germany Attacks,
    The Second Battle of the Marne took place
  • Pushing Forward

    Pushing Forward
    Section 3: Americans at War,
    Setbacks and Advances,
    Battle of the Argonne Forest,
    Allied forces pushed forward along a line that stretched from the North Sea Verdun. Result from new Trench Warfare.
  • Germany Crumbles

    Germany Crumbles
    Section 3: Americans at War,
    Setbacks and Advances,
    Battle of the Argonne Forest,
    German defenses finally crumbled under the unrelenting assault
  • Requesting an Armistice

    Requesting an Armistice
    Section 3: Americans at War,
    The Armistice,
    A Harsh Armistice,
    President Wilson sent a note requesting an armistice based on the Fourteen Points
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Section 4: Shaping the Peace,
    Peace Conference in Paris,
    The Treaty of Versailles,
    German delegates reluctantly signed the Treaty
  • The U.S. Rejects

    The U.S. Rejects
    Section 4: Shaping the Peace,
    Battle Over the League,
    Wilson’s Last Battle,
    The U.S. Senate voted to reject the treaty