World War 1

  • World War 1 begins

    World War 1 begins
    the reason why World war 1 happened was because Austro Hungarian Empire was shot to death and also his wife by a Serbian nationalist. Then Russia started to mobilize due to the alliance with Serbia and Germany declared war on Russia.
  • Battle of Gallipoli

    Battle of Gallipoli
    the battle began when a failed naval attack by British and French ships. and then later the battle when to a major land attack on the Gallipoli peninsula. the battle was won by the Turk's and was the fastest victory of the war.
  • first meeting of the league of nations

    first meeting of the league of nations
    the league of nations was a council meeting and the first of its kind was held at paris in January 16 1920. as a result of the meeting it ended the first world war 1.
  • lusitania sinks

    lusitania sinks
    the sinking of Lusitania took place on May 7, 1915 on a afternoon it was shoot down wiht a torpedo by a german submarine. In a matter of minutes the ship sank in to the Celtic sea. the ship help 1,959 passengers and 1,198 crew members.
  • assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    him and his wife were traveling to Bosnia. one June 28 they inspected there imperial troops and nearly escape death by terrioist throwing bombs at the car. A day later they where killed by a 19 year old and were shot at point blank
  • the battle of Verdun

    the battle of Verdun
    the battle of Verdun was help at the hills north of Verdun. Germany 5th army attacked the defences. France won the battle but the German lost a large number of their men and had to abandon the Verdun assault.
  • the battle of Somme

    the battle of Somme
    the battle took place in northern France it was one of the bloodiest of world war one. the purpose was to weaken the German army. the battle took five months it was a brutal battle.
  • Russia withdraws from war

    Russia withdraws from war
    Russia withdrawal form ww1. but after they took there selves out of the war they country turned on itself. they had a civil war that was at the Bolsheviks and Conservative white guard.
  • Zimmerman note

    Zimmerman note
    the Zimmerman note was a secret way of communication that the German made. it proposed a military alliance for Germany and Mexico. after Mexico and Japan refused that they were involved with the German army after united states joined the war
  • .U.S. enters war

    .U.S. enters war
    The .U.S. joined the war because of the designated war zone that Germany was going to have so the united states. United States broke the diplomatic relationship with Germany and in just a couple of hours a German U-boat took down five american ships
  • Russia revolution

    Russia revolution
    the revolution ended centuries of imperial rule and changing Russia into the Soviet union. because of this the political and social where changed. the reason why the revolution happend was because there was not enough food and inflation.
  • Battle of Chateau Thierry

    Battle of Chateau Thierry
    the battle of Chateau Thierry happened on May 31 it was one of the first actions that the American's. An expedition force or also known as AEF under a man named John J.
  • Battle of Argonne

    Battle of Argonne
    The battle of Argonne was a important part of world war 1. the battle of Argonne was the entire Western front. The battle lasted from September 26, 1918 till November 11, 1918.
  • Treaty of Versailles singed

    Treaty of Versailles singed
    the goal with this treaty was to developing a punishment to Germany and Allied powers. they treaty said to surrender all the German colonies as league of nation mandates and more.
  • Armistice

    was a paper that was singed at Le Francport. It ended fighting on land, sea, and air between the allies and their enemy's. the treaty was singed at 5:45 a.m. by French Marshal Foch