Letter of Appreciation to Edwin turner
"Your constitution to the objective of intimating this phase of the course has proved to be the highest quality and of great vale to the college.It is a great pleasure that I express my Appreciation for your share In initiating our program you were on temporary duty at the army industrial college for the purpose of an advanced project". -
World War Begins
Germany invades Belgium because Belgium did not give Germany a free passage to put an attack on France. And giving them a better chance of gaining their victory, So Belgium was getting affected the most Germany ended up forcing them to a war zone. -
The Stark in Warfare's By Edwin Turner
As the ruling heads of the Allied Belived that That an Informed public is the Hope of the world. The solider claimed that one legend stance is used for economy but be that as It may, The great part of the Storks life is spent in that position - Was addressed to his son -
Letter of Commendation To Edwin Turner
Quarter master of this Garrison for the past fourteen months have shown out standing initiative in the practical phase of the post quarter master duties. The foregoing Commendation is fully justified by the out standing Excellence of his work -
Germans fire poison Gas
The Germans fired Shells of chlorine gas at the French. This was the first time that a large amount of gas was used for an attack.The reason the Germans used gas was because this war was taking to long no one would come out of their trenches. -
The Lusitania sinks
The Lusitania was a submarine that Sinked in the Celtic Sea.On that submarine There were 1960 passengers and crew that were drowned, Nothing have issued a warning of its intent to attack all ships, Neutral or otherwise That entered the war zone. -
Germany limits Submarines
Sinking of the Lusitania and other neutral passenger lines. Kaiser Wilhelm suspends unrestricted submarine warfare. This was an attempt to keep the united states out of the war but it hampers German efforts to prevent american supplies form reaching France. -
First Tanks
The British were the first to employ the first Tanks used in a battle at Delville wood. These tanks were very useful for breaking for breaking bob wire and clearing path for their soldiers.These tanks were very hard to destroy. -
Zimmerman Telegram
This was a message form the German foreign secretary, Aurthur Zimmerman to the German ambassador to mexico proposing a Mexico German alliance in the war Between the united states and Germany -
Service location
In 1918 Edwin service was in North Africa, Italy, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, And Germany -
Germany and Russia Peace
The Germans sign a peace treaty with the Nev Bolshevik Government of Russia. The The purpose of the treaty was to give Germany a huge tracts of land that had been the Ukraine and Poland, And peace on the Eastern front allows Germany to shift soldiers to the western front. -
Battle of Cantigny
The battle of Cantigny Is the first major American Offensive of the war though small in scale The Americans fight bravely And soon go on to larger Attacks against German Position. -
The Battle of Belleau Wood
This was the first large scale battle Fought by American Solders In world war.The Third German Offensive of the year penetrated the western front within 45 miles of Paris. U.S forces under general John .J. Pershing helped halt the German advance, Of June 6 Pershing ordered a counter offensive to drive the German out of Belleau woods. U.S marines under general James Harbored led the attack Against the four German divisions positioned in the woods by the end of the first day 1000 suffered. -
Belleau woods ends
The battle of Belle wood ends with the final expression of the Germans from the wood which marks farthest German advance on Paris The area has changed hands six times during the three week battle which caused 10,000 American to die -
Service location
He served in leon springs, Texas: El Paso, Texas: Colombus, New mexico;Deming, and Douglas,