Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife was shot by a Bosnian Serb Nationalist during the official visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. This assassination set of the beginning of World War 1. -
Archduke Franz Ferdinand Citations
Information: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/archduke-ferdinand-assassinated Picture:https://www.google.com/search?q=archduke+franz+ferdinand&rlz=1CAHPZV_enUS726US726&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjZ1OeB4LXeAhUhWN8KHR4UDtAQ_AUIEygB&biw=1366&bih=627&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=JGS7RLxVEdszrM: -
The Lusitania Sinks
A German submarine hit the Lusitania with an exploding torpedo on its starboard side, it only took 20 minutes for the whole 32,000 ton ship to sink. -
The Lusitania Sinks Citation
Picture:https://www.google.com/search?q=lusitania&rlz=1CAHPZV_enUS726US726&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj-7vP-47XeAhVE2lMKHaCOBvcQ_AUIEygB&biw=1366&bih=627&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=iK6jYQWjlNq7tM: Information: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/the-lusitania-sinking-why-no-american-declaration-war-12841 -
National Defense Act
In June of 1916 President Woodrow Wilson signs The National Defense Act. This federal act upped the militia and also expanded the size of the National Guard, and set qualifications for National Guard officers. The National Defense Act also determined that the National Guard be used to combined networks. -
National Defense Act Citation
Germany renews unrestricted submarine warfare
Unrestricted submarine warfare was introduced during World War I in 1915. Germany decided to renew unrestricted submarine warfare out of desperation and the idea that it would keep American out of the war. -
Germany renews unrestricted submarine warfare Citations
U.S Breaks diplomatic realtions with Germany
Woodrow Wilson felt as if he has no other choice than to break diplomatic relations with Germany after Germany announced they were going to allow unrestricted submarine warfare. Wilson wanted to keep the image of the United States strong and honor the citizens so he felt breaking the ties with a country that supported submarine warfare was not a good idea. -
U.S Breaks diplomatic realtions with Germany Citations
U.S.S Housatonic sunk
The German Submarine commander told the caption of the Housatonic before it sank, " “You are carrying foodstuffs to an enemy of my country, and though I am sorry, it is my duty to sink you. -
U.S.S Housatonic sunk citation
Information: https://www.camprandall100.com/2017/09/30/life-1917-sinking-housatonic-brings-world-war-closer-home/ Picture: <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c9/USSHousatonic.jpg/235px-USSHousatonic.jpg" alt="Image result for U.S.S Housatonic sunk"/> -
U.S Declares War
On April 6th 1917 the U.S declares war on Germany. When the war first begun the U.S was neutral, the citizens agreed with this. Then as tension rose between the U.S and Germany and U.S ships traveling to Britain were destroyed by German ships.To further the United States anger the Germans had sunk one of Woodrow Wilson's private vessels on accident. -
U.S Declares War Citation
Selective Service
Only a short six weeks after the U.S entered World War 1 the U.S congress passed the Selective Service Act, which enabled the president to draft soldiers into war. -
First Liberty Loan
Liberty loans was the effort to sell war bonds to lesson the price of the war. It also helped build patriotism. LIberty bonds were really good for the soldiers because it payed for the supplies they needed. The first Liberty loan was passed by congress on April 1917. It also to finance for anything that got ruined. -
First Liberty Loan Citations
War Industries Board
The War industry was one of the the 1st government agency in the United States in WW1 it was established in 1917. The purpose of this was to purchase was to purchase war supplies and the coordinate the production of war materials. War Industry Board was also known as WIB -
War Industries Board Citations
Lever Food and Fuel Control Act
The Lever Food and fuel contract Act was an act for the people to conserve supply, to control the distribution of food and fuel. This had to happen because there was a low supply of everything and they were trying to conserve everything they could to make things last longer. This caused for food and products to be more expensive -
Lever Food and Fuel Control Act
War Revenue Act
The war revenue act made the price to prices that have never been done before so that way there was more money raised for the war. After this the 16th amendment was passed allowing congress the power impose income taxes. Right before WW1 started the Revenue Act this made the lowest tax rate to 2 percent when it use to be 1 percent. -
War Revenue Act Citations
Second Liberty Loan
In War World One the government used propaganda to sell war bonds. It was used in 1917 to 1918 in order to raise money to fund for the war. The result if you bought a liberty bond you would be loaning the government money but later on after the war was over you would get the money back. After a certain amount of time you would even get paid back more because of interest. Woodrow Wilson took a big part because it was during his presidency. -
Second Liberty Loan Citations
Railroads are Nationalized
The meaning of an industry being nationalized is when an industry previously owned privately is now owned by the state. When the government takes over the organization the previous shareholder loses their investment. So in World War 1 Railroads were nationalized. -
Railroads are Nationalized Citations
Maximum prices for steel
The cost of steel in 1918 was increased because of the value of steel. The price in 1918 was 2.89. -
Maximum prices for steel Sources
Germans begin massive offensive on the western front
The Germans began massive offensive on the western front near the Somme river in France. Eric Ludendorff made a plan called Kaiserschlacht also known as the Kaiser’s battle. His plan before the new troops from United States arrived was to convince the Allies to have peace. -
Germans begin massive offensive on the western front Citations
Third liberty loan
The cost of an average bond in 1918 rose from 2.82% to 5.67%. It rose because of the way the war was going and it was near the end of the war so the prices were going higher. The prices also went higher because of the risk of the war and what could have happened. -
Third liberty loan Citations
First Independent action by the American Expeditary Force
The person who commanded the american expeditionary force was John Joseph Pershing who was a general also known as “Black Jack”. He was the commander in the American army in the American Expeditionary Forces and France. -
First Independent action by the American Expeditionary Force Sources
Battle of Belleau Wood
The outcome of the Battle of Belleau Wood was not an easy one for Americans. On July 6th 1918 the Americans won but leaving the battle with 10,000 less soldiers. -
Battle of Belleau Wood Citations
Second Battle of the Marne
The Second Battle of Marne was the final offensive attack from the Germans in WW1. A role in WW1 was something called a doughboy, this was a an informal member of the U.S army or Marine Corps. -
Second Battle of the Marne Citation
900,000 Americans in the Battle of Meuse- Argonne
The Battle of Meuse- Argonne was one of the deadliest battles in U.S history. It took the lives of over 26,000 soldiers. The success of this war helped bring an end to The Great War. -
900,000 Americans in the Battle of Meuse- Argonne Citations
Fourth Libery Loan
The US used bonds as a way to raise money to help support and pay their troops. Through bonds the U.S raised $1.097 trillion in new bonds. -
First Liberty Loan Citations
Information: https://www.thestreet.com/markets/us-bond-yields-rise-as-treasury-adds-billions-to-weekly-auctions-to-fund-deficit-14712217
Picture: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+much+money+did+the+us+raise++through+bonds&rlz=1CAHPZV_enUS726US726&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiRjdmO3eHeAhUmhuAKHRIyAa0Q_AUIDygC&biw=1366&bih=627&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=p4EeU8CxWOggiM: -
The Fourteen Points speech given by President Woodrow Wilson was a statement of principles for peace that was used for peace negotiations. -