World war 1

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz(EU)

    Assassination of Archduke Franz(EU)
    On this day the Archduke of austria-hungary was shot by Gavrilo Princip. This event is often considered the spark for world war 1. which would grow because of entangling alliances.
  • Germany declares war on France and invades (EU)

    Germany declares war on France and invades  (EU)
    Germany wanted to attack Russia, but they knew France was going to be loyal to their alliance with Russia. Germany attacked France knowing they would eventually go to war with them.
  • President Woodrow Wilson declares US policy of Neutrality (US,EU)

    President Woodrow Wilson declares US policy of Neutrality (US,EU)
    As World War 1 started all around Europe, President Woodrow Wilson declared that the United States would remain “impartial in thought as well as in action.” Wilson wanted the U.S to keep their commitment to peace, but The war would be challenging the nation's neutrality.
  • Britain declares war on Germany (EU)

    Britain declares war on Germany (EU)
    A day after the new of Germany declaring war on France , Britain having an alliance with France has to honor that alliance they wanted to aid them so that Germany would not take over France and would leave Germany with control over Western Europe.
  • The Battle of Tannenberg (EU)

    The Battle of Tannenberg (EU)
    The Battle of Tannenberg was one of the first major battles of World War I. It took place from August 23 - 30 in 1914. It was a victory for the German army and proved that they could defeat larger armies through superior tactics and training. The Battle was fought between Russia and Germany. The battle resulted in the almost complete destruction of the Russian Second Army and the suicide of its commanding general, Alexander Samsonov
  • Sinking of the Lusitania (EU,US)

    Sinking of the Lusitania (EU,US)
    RMS Lusitania was sunk on 7 May 1915 by a German U-boat 11 miles off the southern coast of Ireland. 1,198 people were killed, 128 of those people were US citizens
  • Tanks (EU)

    Tanks (EU)
    Sep 15, 1916. The first use of tanks on the battlefield was the use of British Mark I tanks at the Battle of Flers-Courcelette (part of the Battle of the Somme) on 15 September 1916, with mixed results, many broke down, but nearly a third succeeded in breaking through.
  • Woodrow Wilson elected President 1916 (US)

    Woodrow Wilson elected President 1916 (US)
    Democratic President Woodrow Wilson defeated Supreme Court Justice Charles Evans Hughes, the Republican candidate.
  • Zimmerman note (US, EU)

    Zimmerman note (US, EU)
    A secret diplomatic communication issued from the German foreign office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico. If the US entered WWI against Germany, Mexico would recover Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. This telegraph was intercepted by the British
  • Wilson asks congress for Declaration of war (US)

    Wilson asks congress for Declaration of war (US)
    President Wilson asks congress for declaration of war in order to defend their country and be able to help fellow allies in the war against Germany
  • Congress Votes to Declare War (US)

    Congress Votes to Declare War (US)
    At 8:30 on the evening of April 2, 1917, President Wilson appeared before a joint session of Congress and asked for a declaration of war against Germany in order to "make the world safe for democracy." Congress responded with the declaration on April 6
  • Congress passes the Espionage Act (US)

    Congress passes the Espionage Act (US)
    In June 1917, Congress passed the Espionage Act. The piece of legislation gave postal officials the authority to ban newspapers and magazines from the mails and threatened individuals convicted of obstructing the draft with $10,000 fines and 20 years in jail.
  • Spanish influenza (US)

    Spanish influenza (US)
    The influenza pandemic was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus. It infected 500 million people around the world, including people on remote Pacific islands and in the Arctic.
  • Armistice (EU, US)

    Armistice (EU, US)
    The Armistice was signed at Le Francport near Compiègne that ended fighting on land, sea and air in World War I between the Allies and their opponent, Germany. Previous armistices had been agreed with Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
  • World War I comes to an end. (EU, US)

    World War I comes to an end. (EU, US)
    The Treaty of Versailles is signed by Germany and World War I comes to an end. The Treaty of Versailles was the most important of the peace treaties. The Treaty ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. The treaty was registered by the Secretariat of the League of Nations on 21 October 1919.