World War 1

  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    -The road to war
    -Origins of world war 1
    -War begins
  • Germany Declares War on Russia

    -The Road to War
    -Origins of World War 1
    -War Begins
  • Germany Declares War on France

    -The Road to War
    -Origins of World War 1
    -War Begins
  • Great Britain declares war on Germany

    -The Road to War
    -Origins of World War 1
    -War Begins
  • 1st Battle of Marne

    -Road to War
    -Deadliest War

    -War Begins
  • Battle of Verdun

    -America Joins the War
    -Setbacks and Advances

    -Battle of Argonne Forest
  • Battle Of Somme

    -Road to War
    -Deadliest War

    -War Begins
  • Tsar Nicholas II Ignored calls for democracy. When he was overthrown they agreed to stay in the war

    -The Road to War
    -Entering the War
    -Russian Revolution
  • The Russian Revolution removed the only obstacle preventing the U.S to join the war

    -The Road to War
    -Entering the War
    -Russian Revolution
  • America Declares War on The Central Powers

    -Road to War
    -Entering the War
    -Declaring War
  • The Treaty of Brest- Litovsk Was signed

    -Americans at War
    -Setbacks and Advances
    -Russia Makes Peace
  • Battle of Belleau Wood Counter Attack to Germans in France

    -America Joins the War
    -Setbacks and Advances

    -Turning The Tide
  • Battle of Argonne forest

    -America Joins The War
    -Setbacks and Advances
    -Battle of Argonne Forest