World War 1

  • Pre 1900: Media

    Schools, newspapers and book told war as a great thing, short and fast that brings you glory.
  • Pre 1900: Alliances

    When many different countries create alliances with each other there often is tention between different alliances.
  • after 1900: Alliances

    When france and russia signed a treaty that stated if one attacked germany the other would have its back.
  • after 1900: land and people

    serbia's country was very small and its people wanted more land. signing a treaty with russia they wanted to attack austria for its people and land.
  • The start of a war

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand and hiss wife were assasinated which gave austria a reason to attack serbia.
  • The start of a war

    The treaty's and pacts that had been made before started to become aparent of which side would support which and that lead to urest between countries.