The Planes Of WW1
There were many different types of planes but there are two main ones, the dog fighters and the Bombers. The dog fighters are my favorite because they get the most action, with there mounted machine guns they mow down the other planes and there nick name if "ace". The bombers are planes that drop bomb on people on the ground these plane try to stay out of fights with the "Aces" but they are very effective for ground attacks. -
First uses of Tanks
The first tanks were used in the Battle of Flers. The Tanks were slow but very tough. They can cross over 8 foot gaps and there range is about a 20 mile radius. Tank were one of the big reason trench warfare did not work after a while because the tanks could go right over the trenches. -
Major Gas Attacks
The making these gasses was one of the things that stopped trench warfare Because men had to run from the trenches or die in them. In 1915 there was the first major gas attack, it was in what is now Poland. The Germans Dropped 18,000 shells of gas on the Russia lines. This attack was copied later in the second battle of Ypres. -
Weapons of WW1
Every country used different weapons in WW1. They used Rifles, tanks and planes, but there are still many, many others. The Flamethrower, used mostly to clear out trenches. This gun shot flames, and the Germans had over 3,000 men using these. The mortar is the next weapon and the was a launcher that shot very powerful grenades. Lastly is artillery, artillery was like a bigger and more powerful mortar but it had way more uses. With artillery you can shot at people, planes, and ships -
The second Battle of Ypres
"In 1915, the Germans were attacking Russia in the east". The Germans used the new invention of the gas bombs to attack the Russians. "On 22nd of April, two Canadian Brigades were in the front lines, with a third in reserve near Ypres... Germans released the gas against the French and Canadians". This gas killed and wounded most of the men. -
Eleven Battles of Isonzo
These Battles were fought for 3 years. Both sides fought hard. and the central won in the end. Starting in 1915, these battles were in the northern parts if Italy. It was mostly fought by the Russians and Austro-Hungarians. -
The Battle Of Somme
"The Somme campaign in 1916 was the first great offensive of WWI Critical British attitude toward the war. On the first day of the battle there was 57,470 British casualties. By the end of the Offensive the British lost 420,000 men''. This offensive was mostly slowed down because of the trench warfare in this time. The trenches caused this battle to be a stalemate for a long time. -
Battle of Amiens
The Allies just regrouping after a failed German offensives in 1918. The Allies had banded 11 divisions together with 75,000 men, 500+ tanks and 1,900 aircrafts. For the first three days the offensive Spearhead the German defenses easily cut through them for 8 miles. This day was know as the Black day of Germany's army. -
Diary of John Franz August 17th 1918
On this day a man named John Franz reach France to start his campaign against the Central powers. When he got there he landed in a camp where all it did was rain, so much so that when you take one step you are "ankle deep in mud". John tells says "To pitch tents was ment for two men to go together as each man carried 1/2 tent". John talked about how the men shared the tent and the tents were not that big. -
The Second battle of the Somme
This battle was like the first battle of the Somme but the roles are reversed with the Germans having the offensive. The Germans Attacked the allies with a big offensive and successfully drive them back. They drive them back the Somme river region with there artillery. For a week the Germans did this but than they ran out supplies and the Allies regrouped and fought back. -
Dairy of John Franz Nov 8th 1918
John as just sent over seas, never seeing any action in the first few months. "Still on the hike and breakfast as usual nothing wrong, and we were getting tired and weak. We got orders to drop outside of road trest, as I got strayed off from the rest of the regiment I rested... now under heavy fire... we learned that we on the front trenches". John and a lot of his regiment survived the attack. They ended up leaving the fight to go back to home bases -
Diary of John Franz Nov. 11 1918
"So the morning of Nov. 11 couldn't hear any gun fire at all from the German side. But our big guns were realy roaring over us tis was a conston roar. After a while we received word that the Germans had surrender and the armest was to be sighed at 11 o'clock Nov. 11". The war was over and all the men rejoiced, but they soon find out they are not going home yet. -
Armistice day
The end of the great war! "At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month" is the day of the end of this world war. Now is and time of peace and prosperity. We cannot though without reflecting on the past and recognizing the the men that fought for us. Over 5 million men died in this war, and with 21 million wounded. They were not the only people that died/were hurt, with 5 million civilians killed as well. -
Diary of John Franz Nov. 18 1918
On this John and his regiment went to the Germans last line of defense which was abandoned. All the Germans seemed to just disappear, they left all of there weapons and supplies in there trenches. The regiment was ordered to collect all the supplies and weapons to recycle them. The men would load them in the trucks and it took days to get them all. They even went to other towns to do this. -
Diary of John Franz Nov. 28 1918
Ten days after scavenging those trenches John and the regiment when to the town of Theaucort. "We got there on thanksgiving day. No turkey and no dinner at all. But everyone was thankful for everything was at peace". The men just collected the supplies and left for the next town.