World War 1

  • The Assassination

    The Assassination
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand happened on June 28 in Bosnia by the Black Hand. Him and his wife was both killed by the Black Hand.
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    WW1 struck in Sarajevo Bosnia, where Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were both shot and killed. Also all this happened because he died and that's how WW1 started.
  • Belgium Get Invaded

    Belgium Get Invaded
    They (Belgium) wanted to avoid the French war with the Germans. But the only way the Germans can get to the French was by going through Belgium. Belgium refused to let the Germans through so the Germans decided to force their way through and invade Belgium.
  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Battle of Tannenberg
    The battles were between Russia and Germany. The Russians lost 30,000 people killed and wounded. The importance of this war was so German army to prove that they can take on bigger army's.
  • Battle of Marne

    Battle of Marne
    The Battle of Marne was the first war. It started on September 5th, 1914 and ended September 12, 1914. This event happened because the Germans tried to take over Paris. But the French were able to push the Germans back.
  • Ottoman Empire Joins WW1

    Ottoman Empire Joins WW1
    The Ottoman Empire did a surprise attack on the Russians Black Sea coast on October 29, 1914 which made the Ottoman Empire enter war. A few day's later Russia declared war.
  • Battle Of Verdun

    Battle Of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun was one of the longest and bloodiest wars. The war started because the German set off a shot and reached the French. German pounded the forts and trenches with artillery fire.
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    Russians Revolution

  • U.S Joins WW1

    U.S Joins WW1
    U.S. joined the war because Germany tried to get Mexico to enter the war and to attempt alliances against the United States. Which made U.S declare war.
  • The Battle of Caporetto

    The Battle of Caporetto
    The war started because the Germans and Austrians had a lot of poisonous gas attacks against the Italians trenches. The war was along the Isonzo River on the northern east of Italy.
  • The Signing of The Treaty of Versailles

    The Signing of The Treaty of Versailles
    The signing of the Treaty of Versailles was at the Palace of Versailles out side of Paris and France. The treaty officially ended the five years of war known at the Great War or World War 1.