World War 1

  • Franz Ferdinand

    Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarajevo. His death is the lead to World War 1.
  • The Start of World War I

    Germany invades Belgium, starting World War 1.
  • Battle of Marne

    The First Battle of the Marne begins. Trench warfare begins as soldiers on both sides dig in.
  • Germans Fire

    The Germans fire shells filled with chlorine gas at Allied lines. This is the first time that large amounts of gas are used in battle with a result of a near-collapse of the French lines.
  • Lusitania Sinks

    A German submarine sinks the Lusitania. The ship carries 1,198 people, 128 of them Americans.
  • Tsar Nicholas

    Tsar Nicholas II takes personal control over Russia's armies.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun begins. The Battle of Verdun was the longest battle of World War I and was one of the bloodiest.
  • First Tanks

    The British employ the first tanks ever used in battle, at Delville Wood. Although they are useful at breaking through barbed wire and clearing a path for the infantry, tanks are still primitive and they fail to be the decisive weapon.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Germany sends the secret Zimmerman Telegram to Mexico to convince Mexico to join the war. The British intercept and decipher the coded message.
  • War on Germany

    April 6 - The United States declares war on Germany.
  • Bolsheviks

    The Bolsheviks successfully overthrow the Russian government during the 1917 Russian Revolution.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    U.S. President Woodrow Wilson issues his Fourteen Points to peace.
  • Treaty of Brest Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest Litovsk
    Russia signs the Treaty of Brest Litovsk, which is a peace treaty between Russia and the Central Powers.
  • Germany Signs

    Germany signs the armistice at France. Fighting ends on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
  • End of WWI

    The Treaty of Versailles officially ends WWI.