Start of WWI
The simplest answer is that the immediate cause was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the archduke of Austria-Hungary. His death at the hands of Gavrilo Princip – a Serbian nationalist with ties to the secretive military group known as the Black Hand – propelled the major European military powers towards war.
http://www.theweek.co.uk/world-news/first-world-war/59782/how-did-the-first-world-war-start -
the growth of nationalism across Europe, unresolved territorial disputes, an intricate system of alliances, the perceived breakdown of the balance of power in Europe,[
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_World_War_I -
Countries Involved
Germany, Austria Hungry, Ottonan Empire.
Russia,France, Great Britain -
Battle of Tannenberg
Battle of Tannenberg
Perhaps the most spectacular and complete German victory of the First World War, the encirclement and destruction of the Russian Second Army in late August 1914 virtually ended Russia's invasion of East Prussia before it had really started.
http://wartoendallwars.weebly.com/famous-battles-of-world-war-one.html -
The German siege of Verdun and its ring of forts, which comprised the longest battle of the First World War, has its roots in a letter sent by the German Chief of Staff, Eribach von Falkenhayn, to the Kaiser, Wilhelm II, on Christmas Day 1915
http://wartoendallwars.weebly.com/famous-battles-of-world-war-one.html -
Comprising the main Allied attack on the Western Front during 1916, the Battle of the Somme is famous chiefly on account of the loss of 58,000 British troops (one third of them killed) on the first day of the battle, 1 July 1916, which to this day remains a one-day record. The attack was launched upon a 30 kilometre front, from north of the Somme river between Arras and Albert, and ran from 1 July until 18 November, at which point it was called off.
http://wartoendallwars.weebly.com/famous-batt -
Four empires collapsed due to the war, old countries were abolished, new ones were formed, boundaries were redrawn, international organizations were established, and many new and old ideologies took a firm hold in people's minds.
http://en.wikipedia.org -
Treaty of versilles
alsace- Lorraine, Eupen, Maledy northern schlewig, Hulschin, West prussia, posen, and upper siesia are all lands that were taken away from germany. The German army was only allowed 100,00 med and all tanks an air force was banned. -
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