World War 1

  • (EU)Archduke Franz Ferdinand Shot in Sarajevo

    (EU)Archduke Franz Ferdinand Shot in Sarajevo
    On this day, the Archduke of Austria-Hungary was shot by Gavrilo Princip. This event is often considered the spark for World War 1, which would grow because of entangling alliances.
  • (EU)Germany declares war on France

    (EU)Germany declares war on France
    Germany declares war on Russia but Germany knows France will try to protect Russia. Germany declares war on France. This is where the war was really starting.
  • (EU)Britain declares war on Germany

    (EU)Britain declares war on Germany
    Germany invaded neutral Belgium Britain warned Germany to leave. Germany didn't listen and war was declared on Germany by Britain. More countries are getting involved in the war.
  • (EU)Sinking of the Lusitania

    (EU)Sinking of the Lusitania
    Germany was in naval warfare with the United Kingdom because UK did a naval blockade. German U-boat sunk the civilian ship. This really tested UK's patience and things were getting tough.
  • (1916)Battle of Columbus

    (1916)Battle of Columbus
    Pancho Villa raided the small border on the U.S. of Columbus. escalated to a war. This is important to WW1 because Pancho defeated the U.S. it made the U.S. look weak.
  • (US)Wilson Re-elected

    (US)Wilson Re-elected
    Woodrow Wilson said "He kept us out of war" referring to his administrators who avoided going to war. He won the re-election. Wilson was the one who proposed war. This was an important event in WW1 because it was what potentially and what did make us go to war.
  • (US/EU)Zimmerman Note

    (US/EU)Zimmerman Note
    Germany proposed alliance with Mexico. Germany announced unrestricted submarine warfare. U.S. was starting to consider war against Germany.
  • (US)Congress votes for declaration of war

    (US)Congress votes for declaration of war
    President Woodrow Wilson request for war against Germany. Congress votes and end up declaring war on Germany. of course this is important to WW1 because it is when we entered in the war.
  • (US)Congress passes Espionage acts

    (US)Congress passes Espionage acts
    This act does not let people opinion against the U.S.. This violated the freedom of speech. This was important in WW1 because if nobody could talk bad about the U.S. They saw them as good.
  • (EU)Armistice

    This was a Armistice signed at Le Francport. It ended fighting on land, sea and air between allies and enemies. This was important because it was close to the end of WW1