Britain had a treaty with Belgium to keep them neutral
Period: to
Austria-Hungary mobilized in response to Russia
Russia's expanded after the Russo-Turkish war of 1878. The fight was only stopped by the Berlin Congress. -
Triple Alliance
Between: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy -
Period: to
Germany increased imperial ambitions
Kaiser Wilhelm II was in power -
Period: to
Steady increase of defensive spending by all major powers
Period: to
Franco-Russian Alliance
In response to the Triple Alliance -
Period: to
"nothing must henceforth be settled in the world without the intervention of Germany and the German Emperor"
Quote by Kaiser Wilhelm II. Signified Germany's future ambitions. -
Period: to
Anglo-Germany Naval Arms Race
Germany: Navy Bill of 1900 – Wikipedia
- Increased Germany's size and strength (Britain saw as a challenge to their dominance)
New class of battleship by Britain: HMS Dreadnought – Wikipedia
- Germany released their own version in 1908 -
British Empire covered 20% of the world's territories
Anglo-French Entente (1904)
Entente Cordiale
Between: Britain and France
Purpose: Imperial agreements that solved issues. Resulted in recognition of each other's spheres of influence. -
Period: to
Moroccan Crises (1905-6, 1911)
First Moroccan Crisis – Wikipedia
France went to take more control of Morocco; Germany objected. France ignored.
Second Moroccan Crisis – Wikipedia
France sent troops to Morocco. Germany claimed to send troops to southern Morocco. Result: Germany had to accept part of French Congo (humiliation). -
Triple Entente
Between: France, Britain, and Russia -
Anglo-Russian Convention
Between: Britain and Russia
Purpose: Solidified boundaries that identified respective control in Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet. It indicated spheres of influence in Persia, specified that neither country would interfere in Tibet’s internal affairs, and recognized Britain’s influence over Afghanistan. -
Period: to
Bosnia-Herzegovina Annexation
Start of the Balkan Wars. Austria-Hungary annexed it. -
Period: to
Balkan Wars
Wikipedia Conflict between Austria-Hungary, Russia, Serbia, and the Ottomans. -
All major powers has mass armies
Britain had a relatively small standing army
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Who: Archduke Franz Ferdinand was heir to the Austrio-Hungarian throne
In: Sarajevo (capital of the the province of Bosnia-Herzegovina)
By: Gavrilo Princip (Bosnian Serb nationalist, member of the Black Hand (anti-Austrian terrorist organization, sponsored and trained by Serbian government)) -
Germany's 'Blank Cheque' to Austria-Hungary
Gave full support -
Period: to
July Days
Series of days full of conferences to settle the issues. -
Austria-Hungary's Ultimatum
To: Serbia
About: their government have a judicial inquiry and it be open to Austro-Hungarian investigators
48 hours to respond -
Serbia refuses Austria-Hungary's terms
Britain proposed a conference. Germany said no.
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
Britain proposed international meditation
Russia started to mobilize
Germany demands that Russia demobilizes while mobilizing itself
Germany declares war on Russia
France mobilizes.
Russia declares war on Germany
Germany demands Belgium to let them through
Germany declares war on France
Germany invades Belgium. Britain tells them to get out by midnight. Britain declares war on Germany.
Austro-Hungary declares war on Russia
Britain and France declare war on Austria-Hungary
All members of the Triple Alliance (except Italy) and Triple Entente were at war with each other.