Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated.
All 7 members of the black hand lined the street in Sarajevo where the archduke would be going. Gavrilo Princip, a member of the black hand, assassinates Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. Gavrilo Princip was then captured. He sparked World War 1. -
Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia
A month after the assassination of the archduke, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. After Austria declared war, Russia, Serbia's ally, announced their troop mobilization. -
Germany declares war on Russia
Germany demanded that Russia stop preparing for war. When Russia declined, Germany declared war on Russia. -
France enters the war
They were bound by a treaty to Russia, and they found themselves at war with Germany. -
Britain enters the war
They were linked to France by a relatively loose treaty that had put more of a "moral obligation" to come to their air. The invasion of Belgium brought them into the war also. -
Italy enters the war
They committed to Germany and Austria in the event of a defensive war. They did not view Germany's acts defensive and remained neutral. Finally, they entered the war on the allies side. -
The US enters the war
The sinking of the lusitania by Germany was the main motivation for the US to join the war. The Zimmerman note was also a big factor as well. In the note, Germany offered US territory to Mexico if they had joined Germany in the war. -
Fourteen Points
Woodrow Wilson delivered his message called the Fourteen Points. This message was meant to be for a joint session of congress. Its purpose was to create peace in the world after WW1. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
This treaty ended Russia's participation in the war. It was between the central powers and the Soviet Union. This treaty gave away land and took away the industry of the former Russian Empire. -
Treaty of Versailles
This treaty ended WW1. It was produced by the Paris Peace conference at the end of WW1. It went into effect on January 10, 1920.