World War 1

  • Causes For World War One

    Causes For World War One
    The causes for World War One were militarism, alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and assassination. Militarism- Germany was beefing up there military by 73%. Two alliances were formed, the allies and the central powers. Nationalism- extreme pride for ones country. Fear of imperialism made countries get ready for war. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand angered Austria.
  • New Weapons Used In World War One

    New Weapons Used In World War One
    Many weapons were introduced during World War One. Machine guns, poison gas, submarines, tanks and airplanes were new to the art of war. Poison gas was first and originally used by the Germans, but later made illegal. It was banned because it is seen as cruel and inhumane, even in war.
  • Stalemate

    A stalemate is when neither side can make an advancement. World War One was a stalemate because of trench warfare. Trench warfare is a war fought with soldiers in trenches. This makes it basically impossible for either side to move forward because everyone wants to stay protected by the trenches.
  • Assassination

    The Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo. Hungary was the home of the terrorist group responsible for his death. The death of Ferdinand sparked World War One.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    The Christmas truce was a short-lived ceasefire during World War One. Some German and British soldiers crossed allied lines into no mans land to exchange Merry Christmas' to one another. For a short time the fighting between those men stopped, and was replaced by the exchanging of presents, conversation, and even soccer games. The Christmas truce was never repeated and was not universal, but the small number of men who enforced it for a short time were blessed for Christmas.
  • Lusitania

    Lusitania was a British ship that was sunk by Germany. This made America because there were 100 American people on the ship. Germany was not directly attacking the United States so this did not make the US join World War One, but it was one of the many reason.
  • America Gets Involved

    America Gets Involved
    When America joined World War One, they joined the allies. The allies consists of Britain, France, Russia, and now the U.S. We decided to join the war for many different reasons. Lusitania was sunk, the allies needed our help, the Zimmerman telegram, and to show our power.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    British intelligence gives Woodrow Wilson, the US president, the Zimmerman Telegram. The Zimmerman Telegram was a message from Germany to Mexico. It stated that if Mexico agreed to be allies with Germany, then after the war, Germany would help Mexico take land from the United States. This made America angry and was one of the reasons America joined the war.
  • John Singer Sargent- Gassed

    John Singer Sargent- Gassed
    Talented artist John Singer Sargent was selected to paint "British and American forces working in unison" but instead of finding peace and brotherhood, he found destruction and death from the carnage and chaos. He displayed his disturbing findings in his painting Gassed.
  • Dairy Entry Of October 1st

    Dairy Entry Of October 1st
    Albert Carpenter frequently wrote in his dairy during his service in the United States army. Carpenter recalls the events of October 1st 1918, "heavy artillery fire on front all night and most of day. Continual roaring. Marines break through Hindenberg line. I did nothing am, started signal work in pm." In this diary entry, he describes to us the tasks he completed, and the on goings of the war.
  • Diary Entry Of October 12th

    Diary Entry Of October 12th
    Albert Carpenter tells his diary about his physical condition during the month of October, "my lungs are very sore and threw up blood. Took charge of tellephone at 2 am on duty till 12 pm 144th infantry goes over the top. Drives Boche back. First hot meal since on front."
  • Diary Entry Of October 14th

    Diary Entry Of October 14th
    Albert Carpenter describes his person experience in battle, "my company digs in and prepares for another battle. Boche have good position on Asian river. Very dark now and then Boche shells would come near. Still raining, sleep in open all night nearly frozen, an awful headache. French artillery close to my hole." Carpenter is referring to an unknown enemy when he says Boche. This was a common term in World War One.
  • Diary Entry Of October 18th

    Diary Entry Of October 18th
    Albert Carpenter shares about his hygiene during World War One, "taken a shave, bath and picked cooties for 2 hours off from clothes. Not much doing on front outside of snipping and controls." Cooties was a slang word for a type of insect or bug during the first world war.
  • Honorable Discharge

    Honorable Discharge
    On June 17 1919 Albert Carpenter was honorably discharged from the United States Military. Carpenter spent many years serving his country in the army. Carpenter and his family was pleased when he got discharged with a favorable record.
  • Treaty Of Versallies

    Treaty Of Versallies
    The allies created the Treaty Of Versailles to put an end to World War One. It stated that Germany was responsible for the war, and was to pay for the destruction. This treaty was the end of World War One, but the start of World War Two.