World war 1

  • Poison Gas

    The first use of poison gas was in August 1914, used by the French. Now the French used tear gas cans that contain xlyl, this didn't kill them, just irritant to them. That didn't stop the German but the German soon after started using deadly gas.
  • Trenches

    During the Battle of the Marne, both sides began to dig trenches on the western front. This cause trenches to be used a lot in the war, also cause a stalemate in battles. The trench on the western front made a system the from the north sea cost to Belgium and that was at the end of the war. Trenches also cause weapons to grow stronger to stop stalemate.
  • Christmas Truce

    On December 7, 1917, Pope Benedict XV suggested a truce for Christmas. Now both side didn't agree to it at all, but that didn't stop some soldiers. It was Christmas eve, Germany and British soldiers sang songs in their native tongue. On Christmas morning german soldier rose from the trenches saying "Merry Christmas". At first, the British soldier thought it was a trap, but soon both side started celebrating Christmas. They were trading cigarettes, playing soccer, and enjoy themselves.
  • Tanks

    On September 6, 1915, the first ever tank is made in England. They nickname the tank "Little Willie" and it was a great success. It weighs about 14 tons which were problematic since it got suck in the trenches. This lead to making better tanks and stronger, faster tanks. The second tank prototype, nicknamed "Big Willie" which was made two years later. Which made its debut in the first Battle of the Somme.
  • Battle of Jutland

    On may 31, 1916, an afternoon is when this battle started. At least 250 ships were in this battle with 100,000 men fighting. The British and German scout ships started shooting each other. before the main battleship got there. The German started to retreat because of British Admiral John Jellicoe, who took advantage of the fading daylight by how he was maneuvered his ships.
  • Battle of Somme

    The battle was known as the largest battle in world war one. The location of the battle was at Somme river near France. This was known as one of the bloodiest battles, even the first day more than 57,000 casualties, and this battle last for three months. In this battle, the death count was in the millions for both sides. This battle had the first battle to have an American casualty.
  • Frank Woodruff Buckles Joins The War

    On August 14, 1917, the Amry accepted him. What they didn't know about Frank is that He had lied to them about his age, at the time he was 16 years old. It wasn't his first time trying to join the war, he tried the Maries and told them he was 18 but he was too young, he had to 21 to join the Maries. Then he tried one more but this time he told them he was 21, they told him he didn't weight enough, he went to the navy where he passed all the test but they reject him for suspicious of his age.
  • Aviation

    Aviation is a new weapon that came out of World War 1. Here a couple of their best men in the skies. Manred Von Richthofen was German pilot know as Red Knight to his enemy know him.