World War 1

  • shazier declares open season on ships

    shazier declares open season on ships
    Germany uses U boats to sink ships
  • the assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    the assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    He was killed in a parade with his wife
  • the world war 1 begins

    the world war 1 begins
    we entered the war
  • American boat sank

    American boat sank
    the US ship by the name of the Lusitania was sank with american casualties
  • Battle of somme

    Battle of somme
    first battle fought in world war 1 against germany
  • Wilson reelected

    Wilson reelected
    wilson is elected to run a second term
  • Russia pulls out the war

    Russia pulls out the war
    russia signed a treaty
  • the Espionage age passed

    the Espionage age passed
    happened shortly after us joined the war
  • zimmerman note intercepted

    zimmerman note intercepted
    U.S. discovers note from germany to mexico
  • U.S. declares war on Germany

    U.S. declares war on Germany
    Just four days after pearl harbor
  • selective service act

    The draft
  • convoy system

    convoy system
    where all the ship crossing the atlantic are protected by british forces
  • the flu epidemic of 1917

    the flu epidemic of 1917
    one of the deadliest in history
  • Germany signs armistice

    Germany signs armistice
    a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement of the warring parties
  • the fourteen points speech

    the fourteen points speech
    statements of principles for peace
  • sedition act

    sedition act
    was made to extend the espionage act