
  • The Morocco Crisis

    The Morocco Crisis
    Kaiser Wilmelm went to Morocco and said Germany's claim. This led the the first Morocco crisis, in which the Sultan lost control of the Berber people.
  • The Liberal Party

    The Liberal Party
    In Britain the Liberal Party won 22 out of 39 seats from the labor party in the election making Edward Grey foreign secretary
  • fear of the war

    fear of the war
    Europe was in great fear of a war, but after a year when the Triple Entente was complete by England and Russia doing a agreement. The grouping of these 2 powers eventually led to the crisis. The Austria-Hungary government was claiming Bosnia and Herzegovina which were part of the Ottoman Empire.
  • The Start of the War

    The Start of the War
    The war started because the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was assassinated. In the war the Allies were France, Great Britain, Germany, Russia and Austria- Hungary.
  • Other Powers

    Other Powers
    Two more great powers joined the war after Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia - Germany and Russia declared war on each other.
  • Leading to the western front

    Leading to the western front
    on August 1914 the German armies invaded Luxembourg and Belgium opening the Western Front and then gained military control of regions in France.
  • The Western Front

    The Western Front
    Germany began to fight World War 1 in a two front war, invading France through neutral Belgium and attacking Russia in the East. On August 4,1914 German troops crossed the border that lead into Belgium. During the first battle German troops assaulted the heavily fortified city of Iiege, using powerful weapons in their arsenal to capture the city.
  • second battle of Ypres

    second battle of Ypres
    Allies land on the Gallipoli peninsula to try and unblock the Dardanelles straits.